Troubled times!?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“My times are in your hands!” (Psalm 31:15)
‘We live in troubled times’, according to the lyrics of this Green Day song.
War, inflation, polarization in politics and church, climate change, church tensions.
Lately I can relate to these words, “my strength fails and my bones grow weak.” (v.10)
Because I majored in history, I realize the world is always facing troubled times.
If we look to our circumstances for peace of mind, we will never find peace.
As long as human depravity holds sway, we will always experience troubled times.
As Christians, we should not be surprised by these things… Jesus warned us.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
This is where we find hope, and like the psalmist this is where we should entrust our times.
I do believe that we will see more troubles in the coming decades, history proves it.
But as he has through all the previous centuries, Jesus will continue to overcome the world.
He holds my times in his hands, and “no one will snatch them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)
Jesus committed himself into God’s hands (Psalm 31:5, Luke 23:46), and he overcame!
In the midst of all our troubles and uncertainty, let us do the same!
Lord, I commit this day to you, and I will trust for you to provide and to guide me through my times.


  1. “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” – There is no hope like the hope we have in the Lord! I need to do what the Psalmist wrote earlier: “Into your hands I commit my spirit”. Holy Spirit don’t give up on me – my hope is fed by your work in me. Use me to help you bring others to finding their way to the living hope: Jesus! For Jesus conquered death – help me to live for you! You are my living hope!

  2. Today is the Lord’s Day, but then every day is His day. He makes the world go around for the world is in His hands. Our times are uncertain, fll of troubles and unknowns. But this I know, my times are in His hand and because He lives I too can live. He is faithful and I need to be the same. As for me and my household, we will serve the living God. He hears my prayers. He knows my name. And I need to stay strong and place all my trust, hope in Him and Him alone also on this day. He is Lord.

    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    He is my God, and I will praise Him.
    My father’s God, and I’ll exalt Him.
    He is my God, and I will praise Him.
    My father’s God, and I’ll exalt Him.

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