Do others see it?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” (Genesis 41:38)
Joseph the dreamer did not push himself or his dreams on others.
His rise to power is not through shrewd power plays or politicking.
He remained humble and faithful in the hands of God, and God took it from there.
Despite what he went through, he maintained the spirit of humility and integrity.
Even Pharoah sensed the spirit (character, power, wisdom) of God in Joseph.
I am challenged by these words, as I reflect on my own experience as a leader.
As a kingdom dreamer, I’ve been struggling to make the dreams come true.
But God is not calling me to make the kingdom dream come true.
My responsibility is to allow the Spirit of God to work in me, to change me.
We can’t force the dream on others, we need God to develop it in and through us.
As the Spirit develops kingdom fruit in me, others start to notice it.
My job is not to convict the sinful, change the world or restore God’s kingdom.
My job is to be the kind of person through whom the Lord can do these things.
To be “like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God!” (Genesis 41:38)
Lord, I am slowly learning this lesson. May I be the kind of person you can use to build your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


  1. An accounting. Joseph’s brothers will be exposed – but their act of selling Joseph will be used by God to rescue his people and build them up into a nation that will be freed miraculously. For me this story points to the ultimate rescue plan by God to send his son Jesus – even the 3 days of prison and then Simeon being held back as the one for all. And even Pharaoh recognizes in Joseph that he has the spirit of God. Lord help me to follow your spirit in me. May I be humble and seeking like Joseph- listening to your spirit within me – to follow you more nearly every day!

  2. The brothers realized that the happenings in their lives was the hand of God. How do I see the hand of God at work in my life? Each day I greet the Lord in the morning, go through with the morning devotions and then . . . do I still spend time with Him? I need to be a prayer walker, talking to my Saviour throughout the day. He is here with me all the day. I am in His presence living for Him. Others need to see that, that I am His and He is mine. May I share His presence with my words and deeds.

    God Himself is with us: Let us now adore Him,
    And with awe appear before Him.
    God is in His temple, all within keep silence,
    Prostrate lie with deepest reverence.
    Him alone God we own, Him our God and Savior;
    Praise His Name forever.

    God Himself is with us: Hear the harps resounding!
    See the crowds the throne surrounding!
    “Holy, holy, holy,” hear the hymn ascending,
    Angels, saints, their voices blending!
    Bow Thine ear to us here: Hear, O Christ, the praises
    That Thy church now raises.

    O Thou fount of blessing, purify my spirit;
    Trusting only in Thy merit,
    Like the holy angels who behold Thy glory,
    May I ceaselessly adore Thee,
    And in all, great and small, seek to do most nearly
    What Thou lovest dearly.

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