Rules of the road!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 22:34-40

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:40)
There are so many laws associated with driving, the ‘rules of the road’.
The purpose of these laws is not to restrict us or hold us back.
Every law is put in place to maximize safety and benefit… for everyone.
We need ‘rules of the road’ for life in this world.
Without rules, there are crashes, disasters and tragedies aplenty.
God inspired Moses and the Prophets to establish ‘rules of the road’.
Not all of the rules makes sense to us, and all of them have their limitations.
But through these temporary, culture-limited laws there is the Law of Love.
Ultimately, God wants us to experience love by expressing love to God and others.
When I think and act selfishly, my life causes crashes, disasters and tragedies.
But when I “keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25), everyone benefits, including me.
God’s warnings against greed, hate, revenge, lust, pride, etc. do not make life better.
But loving the God that loves us, and loving all people like myself, does!
Every step that flows from love will maximize safety and benefit… for everyone!
Lord, love never fails. Give me an opportunity today to see that the path of love IS the best way to go!


  1. Jesus hits the bulls-eye – the centre – Loving God is and loving my neighbour comes out of that: if I love God I will love what He loves – that is my neighbour. Living a life of love means that I am gracious and respectful – not wanting to do anything that would hurt someone – even discipline must be exercised out of love as God himself exercises it on his chosen people. All laws and rules need to function out of a love for God and neighbour. Help me to live a life of love and grace!

  2. Love makes the world go around
    Yet today, there is a lack of love. People are doing whatever feels good unto themselves without regard to their neighbour. It is a give me generation, all is ‘mine’ generation, a me first generation with regard to others.
    I need to love others, serve others, being an instrument of His love to me and sharing that love. Make me an instrument of Your peace Lord.

    Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace;
    Where there is hatred,
    Let me sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy;
    And all for thy mercy’s sake.
    O divine Master,
    Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as o console;
    To be understood as to understand;
    To be loved as to love;
    For it is in giving hat we receive;
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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