What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“While Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him.” (Genesis 39:20-21)
The Lord does not keep Joseph from prison, but he is with him there.
I see this as a reminder that we are not spared hard times or difficulties.
Think of the hard times and difficulties that you have been through (or still are).
Now think about how the Lord is with you in those experiences.
In the middle of these challenging times, what do we look for from the Lord?
Are we focused on his fixing the problem, or are we hanging on to his presence?
Joseph could sense the Lord’s presence in the little glimpses of goodness.
He is favoured by the prison warden – can we see this as a blessing?
He has the opportunity to help two fellow prisoners – do we see this as a God moment?
In our challenges there are glimpses of God at work… in the dungeon!
Where is the Lord working in your dungeon; what opportunities are you being set up for?
As we will see, the Lord has something bigger in mind on the other side of this dungeon!
Can the Lord turn our burdens into blessings, our obstacles into opportunities?
I believe he can, but I also know that this doesn’t make them less challenging.
Lord, I can see glimpses of your goodness in this dark place. Help me to see this current moment as an opportunity, and to hang on to your presence with me in this situation.
“the Lord was with him” – repeatedly it was said of Joseph. He was faithful even in difficult circumstances and God was with him. That is the most important lesson here for me – and for living today. If the Lord is with me – I’m okay – even when I am fearful and show lack of trust – my God is faithful. He has taken me through some very difficult circumstances but He was faithful! O Lord help me trust you more and more – help me to be a blessing to others, a witness like Joseph was! Joseph has humble beginnings in Egypt – in that he parallels Jesus – who also began very humbly. Joseph was destined for higher things – and so was was Jesus!
Today is a new day. As is everyday, it is a day of our Lord. The question for me each day is where will I see God in the activities of the day. In all I do and say, I am in His presence. I know that but do I see that with my eyes? How do I experience my living for Jesus from day to day? In my health. In my volunteering? I my meeting of people? In my words and deeds? Each day is a gift from Him to serve Him and He has truly blessed me and my family. I am His instrument of peace in all I do and say. And each day I need to ask of myself, ‘Where did I experience God this day?’
1 When we walk with the Lord
in the light of his word,
what a glory he sheds on our way!
While we do his good will,
he abides with us still,
and with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
2 Not a burden we bear,
not a sorrow we share,
but our toil he doth richly repay;
not a grief or a loss,
not a frown or a cross,
but is blest if we trust and obey. [Refrain]