PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 21:42-46
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“The kingdom of God will be given to a people producing its fruits.” (Matthew 21:43)
The religious leaders viewed themselves as God’s kingdom recipients.
They were the ‘church’ of the day, yet they were not producing good fruit.
According to Jesus, there are people outside of the ‘church’ who do.
The source of good fruit in us is the Spirit of Jesus, he helps us do good.
But we must be willing partners; we must cooperate and aim to do good.
I was taught that unbelievers can’t do good, that what they do is not really good.
I’m not so sure anymore, I’m starting to see Jesus at work outside the church.
Jesus was surprised by the faith he found outside of Israel (the church) (Matthew 8:10-11).
This faith was the fruit of the Spirit… from a Gentile sinner!?!?
I believe that Jesus is working in people in the world by his Spirit.
He is drawing them toward goodness, and inviting them to be his partners.
This goodness does not save, but it is pointing in the right direction.
We can be encouraged and inspired by the goodness we see in others.
The Lord is using it to motivate us, to remind us of his desire for good fruit.
Lord, I know I’m not saved because of my goodness… no one is. But help me to see that goodness is a fruit of your Spirit at work within us, and that wherever there is goodness, your Spirit is at work!
The builders – this time the Pharisees – reject the stone that has become the cornerstone: Jesus. The key question for anyone is – who is Jesus. He is the narrow gate – the cornerstone on which it all depends. Jesus is looking for builders who will build on him – the cornerstone – the foundation of life. Lord help me to follow you and to be a builder – not a person who tears down or condemns others – but rather one who seeks to help others find you. The Pharisees knew Jesus was referring to them – at the time they rejected him – but later would some understand fully and also come to see Jesus as the Messiah? Jesus words of teaching whether of healing or of reprimand -bears fruit. Help me to grow Lord Jesus to be a better builder!
Good fruit.
All those who are His produce good fruit by the Spirit working in them and through them. God also uses others, besides His people, to do good. I think of the discoveries in medicine, in science, in bringing relief to those in disasters. God uses all His wonders to perform but good works do not save. Only the blood of Christ saves and only through Him can we really do good works. Lead on O King eternal.
If ye then with Christ be risen,
Seek those things which are above;
Putting off all wrath and malice,
Walk with Him in perfect love.
Lay aside all strife and envy,
Hatred, foolishness, and pride;
None who cling to aught that’s sinful
In His kingdom shall abide.
I am the Vine, I am the Vine,
Ye are the fruitful branches.
If we’re in the Spirit living,
Let us also walk therein,
Free from guilt and condemnation—
From the servitude of sin—
Bearing holy fruits of meekness,
Temperance and love and peace,
Faith and gentleness possessing,
Daily shall our joy increase.
Can there issue from one fountain
Both the bitter and the sweet?
Do we gather figs of thistles,
Sow the tares, expecting wheat?
So a good tree yields by nature
Perfect fruit, and that alone;
Trees corrupt are bearing evil—
By their fruits they shall be known.
Once of sin we were the servants,
Held beneath its tyrant sway,
Free from righteousness—unholy—
But we’ve found a better way.
By the word of God obeying,
We are free from sinful strife;
Fruits of holiness we’re yielding,
And the end eternal life.
We are dwelling in the Spirit,
By our Father’s blest design;
Through His grace we’re made partakers
Of His nature, pure, divine.
By His faith alone I’m living,
For with Christ to sin I died;
I will bear abundant fruitage,
That His name be glorified.