What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“You have brought trouble on me by making me obnoxious…” (Genesis 34:30)
Jacob sees the face of God in how Esau treats him (33:10), despite his past behaviour.
But being graced does not mean everything goes easy or smoothly.
This Dinah story shows that our trust in God does not prevent bad things from happening.
Yet how do we respond to these bad things – in a God way or in a bad way?
Jacob’s sons did not make things better by their scheming, deceptive revenge.
What happened to Dinah was evil, and we should never minimize or ignore such things.
But cruel revenge does not put out the fire, it only makes it worse.
As Jesus followers we see the face of God in Jesus, and see God’s grace in him.
“We are few in number” (34:30) too, and bad things do happen to us in the world.
But are we obnoxious in response, do we behave in cruel, vengeful or ungracious ways?
We cannot stop evil from happening, but we can make sure we are not spreading it.
Jesus does not minimize evil, but he refuses to respond in kind, to make things worse.
Being obnoxious doesn’t work, so how can we overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21)?
No easy answers but I do believe the Jesus Way works better than the Simeon/Levi way.
Lord, in this world I will suffer. But may my suffering not be because I am obnoxious but because I choose to live with, like and for you!
This story leaves me wondering what about the human role in all these things. Jacob as he prepares to meet Esau – God had promised to take care of him – yet he does all these things to appease Esau. Jacob says to Esau he will go and meet him at Seir but then goes and buys a plot of land near Shechem. When does he go back to his father and mother as they are still alive. How can Jacob and his family live amongst the people yet keep their distinctiveness.? Maybe the incident with Shechem and Dinah served to remind Jacob that there is a reason for him to keep true to the promise God made him and not be dependent on his own wit and scheming. Yet stand up to the wrong like his sons did – willing to risk it all! Lord, help me with discernment in my own life – help me not to compromise when I shouldn’t but to be gracious and not revengeful all the time!
A reunion – that went better than expected. My plans and God’s plans. Trickery? Or do we see the hand of God in all things. Although Jacob sees the hand of God in his blessings, he still tries to work it his way. Jacob’s sons also used trickery deceiving Hamor and the city elders. Was this God’s way? At all times I need to serve my living God doing His will and not my own. Prayerfully I need to live each day for Him asking Him to guide me in the challenges of the day. What is His will for me today?
At all times praise the Lord;
His promises are sure;
What if thou doubt? His steadfast Word
Unchanging shall endure.
Praise Him when skies are bright,
And gladness fills thy days;
Heav’n shames thee with its glorious light,
And calls thee to His praise.
Praise Him when clouds are dark;
True faith waits not to prove;
Tho’ hope no bright’ning gleam may mark,
His meaning still is love.
Praise Him when drear and lone
The shadows ’round thee fall,
No eye upon Thy sins but One—
Fear not, He pardons all.