Am I actually?

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 21:28-32

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.'” (Matthew 21:30)
One son says no to working in the vineyard, but ends up doing the work.
The other son said yes to the work, but does not actually do the work.
Both are sons, yet one has the reputation of rebellious, the other as righteous.
The son that says no, and the son that says yes… who pleases their father?
It is not their saying no or yes, but it is their doing what the father asks.
What is the work of the vineyard, and who is doing that work today?
Producing and harvesting the fruit of the vine, or the fruit of the Spirit.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness goodness, etc. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Those who bear this fruit, whether they said yes or no, are the ones that God wants.
People throughout the ages have said yes to Jesus, but did they bear the Jesus fruit.
Other people have seemingly rejected Jesus, yet were doing the work Jesus wanted.
I know people who have rejected the church Jesus, but yearn for the kingdom Jesus.
They sound like they’re saying no but look like they’re saying yes – what about me?
Jesus is asking me to be and to do love, joy, peace, etc… am I actually?
Lord, what you want from me is clear. Your Spirit is working in and with me to help me, but I need to work too. Help me to say yes with my deeds, not just my words.


  1. “For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. ” John himself had some doubts and wondered if he got it wrong, but then Jesus told him to reflect on what was happening: blind and sick healed, demons being cast out – the evidences. The Pharisees not only saw how John’s ministry impacted the people but they also saw what Jesus did. May my eyes be open today and see what Jesus is doing today – where lives are changed. Help me Lord to serve and teach as well so that others too may connect with you Lord Jesus – and believe!

  2. Knowing means doing.
    These two belong together, but you also need loving.
    Words and deeds show whose I am. I am a living epistle and people read me each day. Others will know us/me by our/my love. Love puts all things into action. But above all I need His presence, His Spirit to lead and guide me daily. Only this way can I be His follower, an instrument of His peace.

    “Follow Me,” the Master said;
    We will follow Jesus:
    By His Word and Spirit led,
    We will follow Jesus.
    Still for us He lives to plead,
    At the throne doth intercede,
    Offers help in time of need:
    We will follow Jesus.

    Should the world and sin oppose,
    We will follow Jesus:
    He is greater than our foes,
    We will follow Jesus.
    On His promise we depend;
    He will succor and defend,
    Help and keep us to the end:
    We will follow Jesus.

    Tho’ the way may dark appear,
    We will follow Jesus:
    He will make our pathway clear,
    We will follow Jesus.
    In our daily round of care,
    As we plead with God in prayer,
    With the cross which we must bear,
    We will follow Jesus.

    Ever keep the end in view;
    We will follow Jesus:
    All His promises are true:
    We will follow Jesus.
    When this earthly course is run,
    And the Master says, “Well done!”
    Life eternal we’ll have won!
    We will follow Jesus.

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