Refusing to let go!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“You have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” (Genesis 32:28)
God-struggler, what a great name for God’s people.
This is not a negative name, but an encouragement for those who do to not give up.
Faith in God is like that, it is a struggle to hang on, a refusal to let go.
Bless the soul that never struggles, but I am not that kind of person.
My struggles are a mix of real questions, satanic attacks and personal weakness.
I readily admit that doubts and uncertainties continue to swirl in my mind.
But I refuse to let go… and I thank the Spirit of Jesus who wrestles with me, in me.
Even though Jacob feared his brother, he faced him, and experienced God.
“For to see your face is like seeing the face of God.” (Genesis 33:10)
Jesus struggled for us, to guarantee that we would see God’s smiling face.
Life will still be a struggle in this sin-messed world, we will walk with a limp.
But at the end of this path, we will see God, and we will overcome!
“Press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of you.” (Philippians 3:12)
Whatever you are facing, refuse to let go of Jesus; he refuses to let go of you!
Lord, in my struggle and wrestling, remind me that even when my grip is weak, Your grip is strong. You never let go!


  1. Both Jacob and Laban keep referring to the God of Isaac – it was he who intervened and blest Jacob and kept him safe from harm. Despite continued deception – Jacob’s secret departure, Rachel hiding the gods and Laban’s changing of the wages – God keeps his promise to Jacob – when will Jacob called God his god instead of calling him the God of my Father. After the covenant has been made they separate and Jacob is met by angels – and he names the place Mahanaim. But now he must meet another fear – his brother Esau. He prays but still follows through with a scheme of pacification – still in fear. It is that fear and lack of distrust he has to overcome. He wrestles with a man sent by God – and through it he is given a new name, Israel and he will now going on living with a limp to remind him! Lord, forgive me for not trusting you always. I know I have many ‘limps’ in my life too – weaknesses that remind me to depend on you!

  2. Emmanuel.
    God is with us.
    I am always in His presence.
    I need to share my life with Him – my joys and my sorrows – He listens – He hears.
    Take hold of God and pull.
    Call upon God for He is our Father. He is my Rock, my Redeemer. my Strength. My Answer. My Comforter. My Pilot.

    1 Jesus, Savior, pilot me,
    Over life’s tempestuous sea:
    Unknown waves before me roll,
    Hiding rocks and treach’rous shoal;
    Chart and compass come from Thee–
    Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

    2 As a mother stills her child,
    Thou canst hush the ocean wild;
    Boist’rous waves obey Thy will
    When Thou say’st to them, “Be still!”
    Wondrous Sov’reign of the sea,
    Jesus, Savior, pilot me!

    3 When at last I near the shore,
    And the fearful breakers roar
    ‘Twixt me and the peaceful rest–
    Then, while leaning on Thy breast,
    May I hear Thee say to me,
    “Fear not– I will pilot thee!”

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