PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 21:12-17
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“You are making (God’s house) ‘a den of robbers.’” (Matthew 21:13)
Jesus does not lose his temper here, he releases it after holding it back for so long.
Jesus was indignant because they were hindering the nations, the poor, the God seekers.
The religious leaders were indignant because he was hindering them.
The ‘children’ (little ones, the blind and the lame, the victims) can finally praise God.
In Jesus they see that God cares about them, and about the whole world.
For the Jews God’s house was the temple; for Jesus followers Jesus is the temple.
Jesus is where we meet God, how we relate to God, and how God blesses us.
When ‘temple workers’ (Jesus followers) hinder people from Jesus, they are robbing…
Robbing God and Jesus of his heart’s desire, and robbing the people of their deepest need.
They are taking for themselves what belongs to God and others – it is criminal and cruel.
I hear from many ‘children’ who are open to Jesus, yet are hindered by his followers.
Too often ‘Jesus workers’ put up barriers, and make people ‘pay’ to receive grace.
I see a huge warning in this passage for me, and for all religious leaders.
Beware of standing between Jesus and those he loves, of making it hard to come to him!
Lord, I praise you for how you love the nations, the blind and the lame, the little children, and all the sinners of the world. May I help and not hinder them from coming to you and God!
Jesus clears the temple of commerce – it’s not a marketplace – it’s a temple – a house of prayer – a house of healing – being close to God – then he heals many and the kids sing praise. Jesus is doing what the temple is meant for and even more and what do the priests and leaders think about it? They are indignant. It is our of their control! They are responsible to keep the temple for what it is meant for – but they have made it profitable for their own interests – and they are indignant as Jesus upsets their cosy arrangement with all the dealers etc. Am I like that – to unwilling to get out of my cozy life? To be willing to stand up like Jesus did for what is right! To bring healing and peace in the face of conflict or poverty of addiction? Help me Lord to bring healing and peace – as a living temple of yours!
Listening to children’s messages in church, I hear them respond to questions asked. Many times the little ones respond with the answer of Jesus. He is the focus and He is the One we serve. Out of the mouths of children comes the praise and I must do the same. All for Jesus. Let the children come – both small and large – for we all are the children of the King. Serve Him with songs of praise. Serve Him in all you do. Let nothing stand in the way of serving Him. He gets all the glory and praise!
1 God himself is present:
let us now adore him
and with awe appear before him.
God is in his temple,
all within keep silence,
humbly kneel in deepest rev’rence.
He alone on his throne
is our God and Savior;
praise his name forever!
2 God himself is present:
hear the harps resounding;
see the hosts the throne surrounding.
“Holy, holy, holy!”
hear the hymn ascending,
songs of saints and angels blending.
Bow your ear to us here:
hear, O Christ, the praises
that your Church now raises.
3 Fount of ev’ry blessing,
purify my spirit,
trusting only in your merit.
Like the holy angels,
worshiping before you,
may I ceaselessly adore you.
All my days shall my praise
rise to you in heaven
for the grace you’ve given!