God’s right to be generous!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money?” (Matthew 20:15)
Does God have the right to be generous?
If I am forgiven few sins, and another is forgiven many, is that fair?
Jesus uses this parable to shock his listeners, to get their attention.
The point – God is more gracious than you realize!
In this story, some workers felt they deserved MORE from God.
Or that others deserved LESS than they did.
Either way, they felt their worth was greater than others.
Jesus’s point is grace is not based on our worthiness, but on God’s generosity.
God IS love, and generosity, compassion, mercy, etc are all a part of that.
I may think of myself as better than others, but I still need God’s grace.
Everyone equally depends on grace, no matter how much they have sinned.
And Jesus makes it clear that there IS grace for me, and for everyone.
God has every right to be generous, and I am glad that God is!
God’s generosity has assured me of more than enough blessing to last eternity!
Lord, thank you for showing me God’s amazing generosity again… for me and for all people.


  1. From man’s point of view they thought they we right to complain. From God’s point of view He kept His promise. He was compassionate to those who has no work to feed their families. God does not reward us according to the length of time we serve Him. His ways are not our ways. Think of the thief of the cross. Are we, am I faithfully serving Him. We all need to be available to work for Him in His Kingdom. Am I faithful in serving Him this day doing His will? God is generous and compassionate. Help me Lord to share my time, talents and treasures in Your vineyard

    As I’m singing, I try to do my best
    For singing is a service of praise and thankfulness
    With my whole heart, I’m living for my Lord
    He’s the one I do all things for

  2. I believe we all need to be good stewards – using and caring for all our resources – not only the physical but all our skills and abilities and minds – loving God with all my strength, heart, soul and mind – and the resources God entrusts me and the resources of creation – that I may use and care for these to love God and my fellow man. I need to be generous in sharing with and blessing others. It is not just for me – that would be wrong. The landowner decided to give a day’s wage to everyone – he was generous – he enabled everyone of the workers to go home with enough pay for the day. God is generous with us as well – help me Lord to be generous in the same way!

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