Not just for me, but for all!

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 19:25-30

What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29)
Jesus is talking about people who sacrifice themselves for him and his mission.
But why would anyone sacrifice themselves for Jesus like this?
Think of people like Rosa Parks, refusing to give up their seats on segregated buses.
They took a stand that would cost much, for themselves, their families and others.
They chose justice, equality, love and peace FOR ALL, sacrificing for a greater cause!
THIS is the call of Jesus, to put our comfort on the line for a greater good.
To this Jesus offers the greatest reward – life in God’s kingdom restored!
All people live for a cause; sadly for many that cause is themselves.
Many Christians even follow Jesus for themselves, for their own salvation.
They love ‘my only comfort’ for themselves, but seem little concerned about others.
I’m convinced the heavenly reward will be disappointing to those who love themselves.
God saves us from this; eternity will be loving God and others fully, so all are blessed.
It starts here, experiencing this change of heart now; it starts with loving others now.
Do I think of following Jesus like this, or am I just thinking about how I can be saved?
Lord, forgive me for thinking more of the personal cost or benefits of following you. Open my eyes to see the ‘hundredfold’ blessing of God’s better world restored for all.


  1. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” God stepped in and made it possible. He desired to be close to the humans He created and wanted them to choose. We had to choose to obey and trust Him fully – and we do not stand the test – the temptation to go on our own. With Jesus it is possible. He makes it possible for me to serve – he gives me the strength and the perseverance to serve. Though I am sometimes unwilling, yes I have to deal with that – I like comfort too much sometimes and don’t like to step out or stick out, yet I will with Jesus helping me! Help me to do so more and more!

  2. Follow Jesus.
    Be a Jesus follower.
    Do His will. Follow His commands. Live for Jesus every day.
    This is His world. Serve Him. That is what is asked. Just do it because it is right.
    We are His children doing the will of the Father for that is right.
    I was created to serve Him. Lead me and guide me Lord and make me an instrument of Your peace. All for Jesus.

    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my being’s ransomed pow’rs,
    all my thoughts and words and doings,
    all my days and all my hours.

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