on every corner

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 7
She is loud and defiant, her feet never stay at home; now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she lurks. [Proverbs 7:11-12] In this parable, Solomon warns his son about how temptation lurks at every corner, and how this naïve youth is seduced. Unaware, unguarded, foolish, he gives in to sexual desire, and into a trap.

When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. [Luke 4:13] Jesus is not foolish nor naïve, but the enemy still tries. Behind the seductress in Solomon’s parable is the father of lies, using whatever means he can to trip and mess people up. In the street, in the squares, at every corner he lurks, looking for an opportune time, a moment of weakness, when our guard is down.

Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. [Matthew 26:41] Every person is tempted in some way. The enemy is lurking everywhere, and targeting everyone. Some are easy targets, some are hard. But all of us have weak flesh, sin-prone desires which Satan exploits to his advantage, and our defeat. Jesus urges diligence, watchfulness, prayer. In street, in the square, at every corner he lurks, looking for the opportune moment.

Do we go into each day aware of the risk, and the danger if we give in to the devil’s enticements. Are we even aware of our weaknesses, the kinds of temptations that we are vulnerable to. And how seriously do we watch, and pray? The enemy is real, the danger is real… for everyone. Not even Jesus was immune.

Watch and pray… on every corner.

Lord, lead me not into temptation, deliver me from the evil one.


  1. LORD as each new day begins, may I always first put on the full armour that You have provided us with. May I keep my heart, my mind, my eyes focused on You. LORD, where temptation lurks, may You reveal it’s ugliness. It is Your beauty that I long to fill my life with.

    Thank You LORD for a godly husband, a man of integrity, a husband who prays with me. Thank You LORD for a marriage built with You in the centre. May it always be that way!

  2. Here’s where I find it all begins …An apathetic heart to my surroundings and circumstances. When I allow thoughts of discouragement, ungratefulness, disappointment fester, then I am open game for temptations. When somehow I cannot see through the fog of loving relationships and fulness of provision around me, I am vulnerable to temptations.
    When I find it is easier to write a list of complaints then of blessings, I am in trouble!
    For the woman in the proverb, she was a wife. This incredible night of romance should have been planned for her husband. For the husband in the proverb, don’t work away from home so much – perhaps your wife won’t waste her plans on another man then.

    Lord, give me eyes to see everyday, the great provision and wonder you are and the incredible people you have placed around me.

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