wisdom points to Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 1
And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous–to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. [Luke 1:17] These words describe the mission of John the Baptist, to end the cycle of disobedience passed from generation to generation, to challenge parents (fathers) to lovingly direct their children in paths of wisdom, the wisdom of the righteous. Fathers who care will instruct their children with wisdom, a wisdom that prepares them to receive the Lord.

Wisdom is a blessing that benefits the next generation; folly is a curse that harms the next generation. John’s mission is to call the adults to repent, to discern truth from error, wisdom from folly, and pass on to their children a good direction. This is what Solomon does in this collection of proverbs. He has turned his heart to his son, hoping to guide him in a wise way.

Wisdom is basic common sense, it is evident to all who reflect on life. “Do not put your hand in the fire, you will get burnt.” This proverb is so obvious, it sounds stupid. But many of Solomon’s proverbs are just plain common sense, if you think them through. Wisdom is so written in daily life, it is like the voice of a woman calling out, warning and appealing. Follow this advice, and life will go in a healthy direction. No, it doesn’t mean that life will be easy, but in the long run, those who choose the path of wisdom will be rewarded in the end.

Solomon stresses that the foundation of wisdom is the fear of God; not cowering in terror, but humbly respecting with reverence and awe. A right view of God, putting Him and His kingdom first, this is the beginning, the foundation of wisdom. If this is missed, everything else will fall apart like a house of cards.

Wisdom does not save us, but it does prepare us for the Lord. Wisdom – thinking through life honestly, sincerely – will lead to Jesus. The wisdom of the righteous is a humility that recognizes our weakness, our need for mercy, and the greatness and goodness of God. I do believe that if people take the time to reflect on what Jesus said and did, they will see that what He said was important, true, necessary. He is the way, the truth and the life. Those with eyes to see, and ears to hear, will hear the voice of wisdom, as she beckons them to kneel at the feet of Jesus, in healthy, reverent fear.

Lord, help me to heed the voice of wisdom, which warns me against stupid choices, and beckons me to Jesus and His way.

One Comment

  1. Father, Your word promises me in James 1:5 that if I need wisdom, I am to ask You my generous God, and You will give it to me and You will not rebuke me for asking. Thank You for this promise. I do ask You LORD for wisdom. May it be my prayer to daily ask You for wisdom…..

    James 1:5 (New Living Translation)

    5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

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