PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: Matthew 15:32-39
What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“I have compassion for these people.” (Matthew 15:32)
Jesus is not among Jews, but touring along the northern shore of Galilee (v.29).
Once again we see Jesus compassion for ALL people, not just a select few.
Jesus’ followers ought to be characterized by the same kind of compassion.
How many Christians are in our community, do we show this kind of compassion?
Maybe the need is not hunger, but what are the needs around us?
So what if they are not our ‘people’… they are God’s people!
Wherever there is sin, there is need, and if we opened our eyes we would see it.
We can’t address every need, but we can do something.
If every Jesus follower in our community did something, it would be amazing.
The Lord multiplies the compassion of his servants, and expands the impact of their deeds.
He has so much to offer, but needs compassionate hearts to share it through.
Jesus came to show us, but also to restore us through his victory over sin and Satan.
We now have the Spirit, freely given by grace, ready to overflow through us.
But the first thing we need is to say with sincerity, ‘I have compassion for these people.’
Lord, the needs I see around me can be overwhelming… help me to share your compassion, and use me to show it when and how I can!
“I have compassion for these people” – that is a mark, I believe of a believer as well. Jesus exemplifies it and his heart was for the poor and the victims. Generosity comes from a heart of compassion – a heart that desires the best for others. Lord, I know my compassion is sometimes so limited – yet when I see the suffering of others I want to help – help me be there in my giving and prayers as well – blessing those who can be at the front lines. Bless all the people responding to the survivors of that terrible earthquake in Turkey/Syria – bless the efforts to reach out and help them. Mobilize Christians with compassionate hearts to help and bear witness of the compassion you have Lord Jesus for them! Help me do so also where I am – seeing needs and responding in a appropriate ways!
Seven loaves and a few fish was all the disciples had.
They had enough.
Even their insignificant amount was enough to feed all. The disciples shared what they had and Jesus uses the amount to bless others. Whatever we have is His. Whatever the amount, Jesus can use our gifts for His purpose and His glory. Be open to being a blessing.
1 All that I am I owe to thee,
thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me.
I give my Maker thankful praise,
whose wondrous works my soul amaze.
2 Ere into being I was brought,
thine eye did see, and in thy thought
my life in all its perfect plan
was ordered ere my days began.