He is God, He hears, He cares!

SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 18
So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed. Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrifice. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention. [1 Kings 18:28-29] What does it take to make God hear us? Do we have to dress a certain way, pray a certain way, speak a certain way? Do we have to prove ourselves to Him, bring a peace offering, or do something to impress Him? Maybe cut ourselves, like the priests of Baal?

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. [Matthew 6:7-8] Your Father knows. Our Father hears! There are no techniques for getting God to hear us, no formula prayers or prayer habits that guarantee God’s positive response. He hears, He knows, He cares. And because He cares, He can only answer those prayers that fit within His good and loving purpose. We may not see the answer to our prayer, but Jesus assures us that God is our loving Father, He knows what we really need, what is really for the best.

This was a risky arrangement for Elijah. Would I challenge a Muslim to this same test, to determine whose faith was correct? Set up an altar, lay out the sacrifice, see whether Jesus or Allah sends the fire? Is this testing God?

I guess what I do understand and appreciate about this story, and Jesus’ words, is that God is great and God is good. He cares, He loves us, He wants to restore our hearts to Him [1 Kings 18:37]. My prayers need to be simple and sincere, not technically correct or wordy. I don’t have to prove myself, demonstrate my worthiness, or slash myself, dance like crazy, to show how zealous my faith is. Just pray, just ask, and trust that He knows, He cares.

The Lord, He is God. The Lord, He is God!

Lord, no fancy words, no demonstrations of my loyalty. You know me, and I want to know You better. Thank You for listening, for caring, and for answering my prayers in the best way possible!


  1. Elijah believed and he acted on this belief. So many today call this kind of faith response “naming and claiming”. How often do believers today discourage other believers from living out “Elijah” determined faith with such spoken seeds of doubt and discouragement.

    We need discernment Father but more than that, we need the kind of faith that Elijah demonstrated here in these scriptures. Doubt is not from You – doubt and uncertainty is like a horrible cancer that satan attacks our belief with. It can be aggressive and spread so rapidly especially from one believer to another.

    Father, may my words or actions never cause someone to doubt their faith / belief in You. Help me to have the kind of faith Elijah demonstrated in these passages. I long to worship You in Spirit and in Truth. No doubts LORD. For nothing is impossible for You. Nothing but faith – that is what is required. No promises, no sacrifices as in times of old – just faith and confidence in You.

    My hope is in You LORD! My Saviour loves, my Saviour lives, my Saviour’s always there for me!

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