money, sex, power

SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 10
Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. [Luke 12:15] Jesus’ warning was one piece of wisdom Solomon forgot. This chapter sets the stage for the fall that follows. We see his great success, fame and power, yet these things become the seeds of his downfall. Here we see two of the three dangers that God had warned Moses about – horses and riches [Deuteronomy 17:16-17]. The next chapter starts by bringing up the third danger, many wives. This triad of stumbling blocks – money (gold) sex (wives) and power (horses) has proven to be the undoing for many of God’s followers.

We learn from this passage that the very blessings God promises can get in the way of our relationship to God Himself. The church in North America is proof of this. We have so much, we are so ‘blessed’, yet so many in the church are lukewarm. Churches in poor or third world communities thrive with spiritual vitality and commitment. They are poor, yet they are rich. We are rich, yet we are poor. We have money, sex and power. But as Solomon discovers, they become our undoing.

Greed is the root of these dangers – love of self, love of things. We are all prone to this, it is a part of our sinful heart condition. Like Adam and Eve, we look away from God to things or experiences to satisfy our soul hunger. And instead of fulfilling us, they destroy us. Solomon is a warning to us. Don’t be fooled or distracted by success; our so-called ‘blessings’ can become curses soon enough. Jesus’ warns us that life is not found in these things. Paul echoes this warning: Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. [Colossians 3:5]

More than just being on guard, put to death any signs of this. Sounds aggressive, doesn’t it. What does this mean practically? For me, for us in the western world, we need to seriously aim for simplicity, purity, humility. We need to name the dangerous tendencies towards excess, compromise or bossyness. This is serious business. If Solomon, uniquely gifted with wisdom, was not immune, what makes us think we are.

Where is Satan luring us? What area of weakness are we tolerating. What ‘little sin’ is slowly eroding our hearts, our commitment, our integrity? Watch out. Be on your guard!

Lord, lead me out of temptation, deliver me from this evil! Show me where I am in danger of compromise, and give me the determination to change!


  1. Knowing You Jesus, there is no greater thing, You’re my all, You’re the best, You’re my joy, my righteousness; and I love You LORD. Oh what a difference the western world today would be, if this was truly our heart’s desire- to know Jesus more, to be found in Him and known as His. LORD, I could only imagine what our church communities would be like if knowing Jesus and living for Him was the focus of our worship and our hearts desire. Forgive us LORD for the things that we’ve made worship and chuch all about. Bring us back LORD to the heart of worship, so that the focus and center of our lives maybe be all about You. May we stop trying to find ways to temporarily ‘fix’ the messes we’ve made and allow You to do what only You can do. Here I am LORD, change me, transform me, refine me for Your plans and purposes….

  2. The words of the queen tells me of the source of the riches I have. She reminded Solomon once again of his task – to maintain righteous and justice. She was impressed and she was also impressed by his wisdom. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

    The passage continues with the description of Solomon’s wealth and the accumulation of that wealth. The people continued to come year after year to hear the wisdom God had put in His heart.

    The golden thread here is the wisdom the Lord God had given Solomon. My accumulation of wealth, possessions, toys must also seen in the light of His presence in my life. The wisdom of Solomon impressed the people. What impresses those who see me. My ‘toys’ or my relationship, my daily living in God’s presence. May Idaily continue to grow in His service, keeping first things first – serving my King in joy. Oh what a happy day today will be when I accomplish that. Oh what a joyous glorious day it will be when I am with Him forever.

    Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

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