When grief leads to Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“John’s disciples took his body and buried it. Then they went and told Jesus.” (Matthew 14:12)
John’s disciples were training to be like him… and then he dies.
With no resurrection that follows, their hopes are dashed; where do they turn?
They went to Jesus, implying that they redirected their hope to him.
When Jesus died, these disciples would have grieved all over again.
But this time Jesus is resurrected and their hope is restored.
In this world we will face suffering and death.
Those we love, lean on, hope in, etc. will all meet the same fate.
But we can go to Jesus too, and find a hope that cannot die.
Suffering and death are not the last word; Jesus is!
For those who suffer, or are persecuted for their faith, there is always Jesus.
He is alive, and not dead; he is our guarantee that nothing can separate us from God.
John’s death was tragic, as has been the death of many of God’s servants.
Are you struggling, suffering, grieving, despairing – go and tell Jesus.
Your struggle is real, but Jesus is real too; he guarantees life beyond the tears!
Lord, I pray especially today for those who are struggling or suffering. Don’t wait for them to come to you; go to them and assure them that death cannot separate us from your love!


  1. King Herod knew what was right – yet he feared what people say. Notice: “The king was distressed”- if he beheaded John he feared what people would say because John was popular or because he knew that it was wrong – just like his adultery was wrong for which John had called out to him – which is why Herod had John arrested. I too need to watch out for what influences me. May I always hear your voice of HS – especially in the face of temptation. Make me strong to resist and enable me to follow your ways Lord Jesus!

  2. Alive. Alive forevermore.
    My Jesus is alive and because He lives, I too am alive in Him. He has promised that we are alive in Him. We are alive today with our struggles but we are alive in Him forever. That He has promised and His promises are true. As a Christian I die but live twice – now and forevermore with Him. What a Saviour! Come to Jesus always.

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore!
    My Jesus is alive, alive forevermore!
    Alive, alive, alive forevermore!
    My Jesus is alive.
    Sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah!
    My Jesus is alive forevermore!
    Sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah!
    My Jesus is alive!

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