Living life with Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“‘For I am coming, and I will live among you,’ declares the Lord.” (Zechariah 2:10)
The Lord’s chosen people were meant to be a light of blessing in the world.
But when they became corrupt and cruel, God gave them over to their crooked ways.
Yet Zechariah hears that the Lord still wants to bless them, and use them to bless others.
Though they failed miserably, the Lord had not given up on them, and would come to them.
I hear in this verse the promise of the coming messiah, Jesus… ‘God with us!’
Jesus comes as the embodiment of grace, mercy and peace… for Israel and the world.
He comes to bring glory to God by bringing peace on earth, as the angels sang.
Jesus loves his broken, mixed up people as “the apple of his eye” (2:8).
He protects them from satan, sin and death by being a “wall of fire” (2:5) around them.
And he renews them by the Spirit of glory purifying them from within (2:5).
These are all symbolic ways of saying, “I will love you and live among you.”
This is the blessing of a relationship with Jesus, despite our flaws and failures.
For me this is the heart of my faith: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27)
No matter where you are in life, the Lord loves you and wants to live with you!
Lord, the blessing of knowing you with and in me is the key to living the blessed life, and living a life of blessing others. May I sense you with me today!


  1. “I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be its glory within”. Zechariah has a beautiful vision – of the new Jerusalem which has no walls – the walls do not offer security and are not needed as God is in the center within. Jesus told us that we are living temples – we may contain and be blessed by the HS working within us – go is tabernacling with in us – and we are part of the greater body – the universal church of all ages. Lord help us to live a life that reflects you within us. Help us to be more like you and to live like you Jesus. We need more of you and less of self! May my heart be in tune with you – to your glory!

  2. In this fallen world the Lord God is still with His people. His mighty acts will show that He is here and people will return to Him. This is my prayer also today that in these troubling times when man are going their own way that their hearts may be turned to the Lord because He is here and He is with His own. Emmanuel. God with us today and always. Open our eyes Lord. Open our ears Lord. Turn the hearts of the people so that they may see You and serve You.

    1 Grace and truth shall mark the way
    Where the Lord His own will lead,
    If His word they still obey
    And His testimonies heed.

    2 For Thy Name’s sake hear Thou me,
    For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;
    Pardon my iniquity,
    For my sin is very great.

    3 He who walks in godly fear
    In the pat of truth shall go;
    Peace shall be his portion here,
    And his sons all good shall know.

    4 They that fear and love the Lord
    Shall Jehovah’s friendship know;
    He will grace to them accord,
    And His faithful covenant show.

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