heart of the matter

SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 6
As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, carry out my regulations and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father. And I will live among the Israelites and will not abandon my people Israel.” [1 Kings 6:12-13] God did not ask for this temple, but He accepts it as a gift of Solomon’s devotion. But in the very middle of the description of how the temple was built, God makes it clear that His presence (the meaning behind the symbol of the tabernacle and temple) depends on their heart’s response to Him, not on the temple itself. “If you follow… I will live among…”

“Woe to you, blind guides! You say, `If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.’ You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred? [Matthew 23:16-17] Subsequent history in Israel shows that the people forgot about God, and focused on the temple itself. The temple as a tangible object (the gold), as opposed to the temple as a symbol (of God’s presence), became their object of worship. It was like a good luck charm. Look at Jeremiah 7:4-11Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD!” [Jeremiah 7:4].

Jesus is exposing God-less religion, religious observance without a personal relationship with the God behind that religion. Going to church, following religious traditions, being a moral person, performing acts of charity, talking like a good, religious person – these are empty shells (like the temple gold) apart from the God they are supposed to point to.

And so, it doesn’t matter how beautiful or impressive my life looks to people around me, God sees my heart. He says to me, what He said to Solomon: If you follow my decrees, carry out my regulations and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill my promises to you, I will live with you and will not abandon you. And the great commands of God boil down to this: love God and love people. Not as blind religious obedience, but from the heart, with humility, honesty and sincerity.

This is the kind of temple God delight in: a heart that sincerely desires to love, honour and serve Him!

Lord, I know my ‘temple’ (my heart-life) isn’t impressive like Solomon’s, but it’s a work in process. I want to make it more beautiful for You!

One Comment

  1. 11 The word of the LORD came to Solomon: 12 “As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, carry out my regulations and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father. 13 And I will live among the Israelites and will not abandon my people Israel.” This is the central message for the day, and each day.

    God dwelling among His people because they were God Followers. God dwells among His people today because they are Jesus followers. It is all a matter of the heart direction. Whom do I serve? Who resides in my heart?

    Today we have churches but they are just buildings. We gather together to be encouraged on our way to serve Him. All that matters is the residence of my King Who resides in my heart. May others see that I am worshipping Him always. I am following His Way always.

    O Jesus, I have promised
    To serve thee to the end;
    Be thou for ever near me,
    My Master and my Friend:
    I shall not fear the battle
    If thou art by my side,
    Nor wander from the pathway
    If thou wilt be my guide.

    O let me feel thee near me:
    The world is ever near;
    I see the sights that dazzle,
    The tempting sounds I hear;
    My foes are ever near me,
    Around me and within;
    But, Jesus, draw thou nearer,
    And shield my soul from sin.

    O let me hear thee speaking
    In accents clear and still,
    Above the storms of passion,
    The murmurs of self-will;
    O speak to reassure me,
    To hasten or control;
    O speak, and make me listen,
    Thou guardian of my soul.

    O Jesus, thou hast promised
    To all who follow thee,
    That where thou art in glory
    There shall thy servant be;
    And, Jesus, I have promised
    To serve thee to the end:
    O give me grace to follow,
    My Master and my friend.

    O let me see thy foot-marks,
    And in them plant mine own;
    My hope to follow duly
    Is in thy strength alone:
    O guide me, call me, draw me,
    Uphold me to the end;
    And then in heaven receive me,
    My Saviour and my friend.

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