wisdom AND strength

SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 3
Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for–both riches and honour–so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. [1 Kings 3:13] In this passage we see the young king making shrewd political alliances (through his marriage to Pharaoh’s daughter, he secures his southern border from attack). But we also see his awareness of his need for divine help, and his wise request for wisdom over health, wealth or success. The author gives an example of Solomon’s shrewdness and wisdom, with the two prostitutes and the disputed baby.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. [Matthew 6:33] Lord, the message I glean from this passage is found especially in Solomon’s desire for wisdom above all else. He seeks first what matters most. And You not only grant him his request, but You give him the other things as well – health, wealth and success. This seems to echo what You said about seeking first what really matters, and the other things coming as well. What really matters? Your kingdom and Your righteousness – i.e. Your authority and Your will. I need the wisdom to see that unless You are in the first place in my life, all the other things will unravel. Apart from You first, there is no health, wealth or success.

Practically speaking, what does this mean? Lord, I need wisdom for every day. Life is too hard, the choices I face to serious and complicated, and the threats and temptations too risky, too dangerous. Solomon could not enter his new career, and I cannot enter the new year, without the renewed determination to seek You and Your will and Your wisdom first. What do I gain if I achieve health, wealth and success, yet forfeit my soul?

Lord, I also see the beginning of Solomon’s undoing here. This alliance with Pharaoh’s daughter is the first step in an eventual compromise that ruins Solomon: many wives, foreign gods, even more prostitutes; despite his wisdom, Solomon crumbled under sexual temptation. Help me to see that I am not immune to this, that if even Solomon with his great wisdom and insight could fall, then how much more myself.

Lord grant me the strength to follow the wisdom You have given me. I know right from wrong, I understand the wages of sin, I see my desperate need for You first in my life. Yet though my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak.

Lord, use Solomon’s wisdom and folly to warn and encourage me to seek You first, love You most. And grant me the strength to persevere in this!

One Comment

  1. Walking in the Light because He is the Light. I see Joshua in Solomon because he was walking according to the statutes of his Father – but as for me and my house, we will serve the living God! We show our love for the Lord God by our walk.

    We also show our love for the Lord by our talk. Solomon did not ask for wealth but for a discerning heart that he could rule the people with justice. Solomon sought out the Lord in his rulings asking God to give him the wisdom needed to say the very words needed to say to govern His people.

    As I stand on the threshold of the new year, I too need walk my talk each and every day. Oh Lord give me a discerning heart so that I may truly put You First each and every day in my decisions and my my words be the very words You desire me to speak. I am not my own but am bought through the blood of the Lamb. Help me each day Lord to serve you so that I may be a living letter, an epsistle, read by all those around me.

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God
    And his righteousness
    And all these things shall be added unto you
    Man shall not live by bread alone
    but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
    Ask and it shall be given unto you
    Seek and ye shall find
    Knock and it shall be opened unto you
    Allelu, allleluia

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