gushing with praise

SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 1
In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. [Ephesians 1:11-12] Paul is gushing as he writes this. He overflows with praise, prayer and gratitude because of God’s amazing grace, and because of the faith response of the Ephesians. I need to remember that Paul is a missionary (word ‘apostle’ means ‘sent one’, as does the word ‘missionary’). Imagine the joy of a missionary when they start to see people responding in faith and changed lives. But Paul sees God’s hand behind their response of faith – chosen, predestined. And this is where our doctrine and debate overrides Paul’s praise and prayer!

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit–fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. [John 15:16] Lord, I am familiar with all the passages relating to election, predestination and free will. I have participated in the debates and controversies, and even held strong positions in the debates. But in the process I have lost the praise and prayer focus, as well as the mystery. It is not a neat, logical doctrinal formulation, it is a mysterious paradox – You choose us, we choose You; You are sovereign, we are free!

I have decided I am not going to try and figure it out. Instead, I want to gush like Paul does here. I want to marvel at Your greatness, Your grace, Your wisdom, Your power, Your mercy. And I want to invite people to enter into the wonder and mystery, and gush with me. And part of that gushing is what You call “bearing fruit”. I don’t want to know doctrine, I want to demonstrate grace. I want to overflow with the same kind of love and mercy as You, with Your Spirit’s help.

Thank You for Your Spirit, thank You for all the blessings that You lavish on me. Please continue to open the eyes of my heart so that I will see You as the highest, the greatest. Grant me a missionary heart, like Paul, so that next to my love and gratitude to You, my love and gratitude for people overflows as well. May people sense You in me, so that they too may be drawn to You.

Lord, thank You for this amazing expression of praise from Paul. Thank You for Your amazing blessing to me. You get all the credit, all the praise!

One Comment

  1. Being part of the family – sons and daughters of Christ – has its privileges – forgiveness of sins, and the abundance of grace so that we are able to do the works He had purposed us to do. And so as part of the family we also live as representatives of the family and that being the family of God.

    Each day I represent His family by what I do and say. I am a living letter read by all. I pray that they may see My Father through me and His power at work. It is He Who gives me the strength and power to greet each day anew with a cheerful heart being able to live also this day in His presence. Help me to live this day with an attitude of gratitude with altitude so others may know the happiness I found being a member of God’s family – adopted as His child through the blood of Christ. Alive forevermore!

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore.
    My Jesus is alive, alive forevermore.

    Alive, alive, alive forevermore.
    My Jesus is alive.

    Sing alleluia, sing alleluia,
    My Jesus is alive forevermore.
    Sing alleluia, sing alleluia
    My Jesus is alive!

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