sin and sacrifice

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 24
David built an altar to the LORD there and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. Then the LORD answered prayer in behalf of the land, and the plague on Israel was stopped. [2 Samuel 24:25] Lord, did You cause the census (2Samuel 24:1] or Satan [1Chronicles 21:1]? Why were You angry with them, was there some serious sin behind this we don’t know about? And three years of famine, defeat at the enemies hands, or plague – either way, a lot of people die! Lord, in this passage You come across as cruel, angry. Your punishment only ends after David’s sacrifice on the altar, a costly sacrifice [2 Samuel 24:24]. His sacrifice brings an end to the curse that is plaguing them. Whatever the unknown sin, David’s repentance and sacrifice appeases (I dislike this word) Your wrath. And the plague is lifted.

It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, “Surely this was a righteous man.” [Luke 23:44-47] David is like You, Lord – a very weak reflection of You – how his less-than-perfect sacrifice resolves the guilt problem and lifts the curse. Lord, Your costly sacrifice on the altar of the cross lifts the curse from all humanity: the barrier between us and God (symbolized by the curtain in the temple, that separates people from God) is removed; the plague of sin, death and hell are lifted.

Somehow behind this passage, there is some serious sin that angers You. You incite David (or lead Satan to incite him) to take the census, to distrust You, to show him that his confidence is misplaced. I do not understand the sin that is behind this passage, but I am guessing that it is serious, and that what You do here somehow makes sense from Your perspective.

When I see Your sacrifice, and the price that needed to be paid to resolve it, then I conclude that whether I understand or not, the sin behind it all is VERY SERIOUS, and the ultimate sacrifice must be made to deal with it. I have more questions than answers, Lord, but one thing I sense from this reading: we are all under a curse, and that Your sacrifice has addressed it!

Lord, forgive me for thinking that You are cruel and angry. Help me to trust that behind these awful stories, there is a good reason for what You do and how You do it. Help me to trust You, even when its hard.

One Comment

  1. LORD, when I am tempted, being tested or when I am led to do something, may I turn to You first before I respond / react. Help me to discern, to ask the right questions that will reveal Your heart in all circumstances and situations, then I will not be swayed into doing the wrong thing.

    Equip me in and through Your Holy Spirit to know what Your will, Your desire for me is. Father, if I commit to walk each day with You, moment by moment, I know that I will be more in tune, more aware of Your plans and purposes. I need You LORD. I cannot walk this journey without You.

    Your will be done!

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