whether it means life or death

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 15
But Ittai replied to the king, “As surely as the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be.” [2 Samuel 15:21] This kind of loyalty when things are going well (like when David was winning every battle) is one thing, but this kind of loyalty when the tables have turned is another thing. Absalom is initiating a political coup, and has a lot of support (for nefarious reasons). David is on the run, and things look bleak. Ittai owes David nothing, he is not an Israelite. But Ittai declares his loyalty to the death.

But Peter replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” [Luke 22:33] The disciples have endured much already, and they know that things are going to get worse. They are loyal, but the test is still to come. This expression of loyalty by Peter (and followed by the disciples) should not be seen as weak because we know that they later deny Him and run away. I believe they are sincere.

I have also committed my loyalty to Jesus, and in principle I share the sentiments of Ittai: wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be. Like Peter and the other disciples, I believe I am sincere in this. But I also need to admit that my loyalty is untested.

Jesus has made it plain that following Him as King (Lord, Saviour) is not guaranteed to be an easy ride; if anything, He guarantees the opposite, that following Him will be hard, dangerous, possibly life-threatening. But he also guarantees that He will not abandon us, that He will empower us with His Spirit so that we will ultimately overcome.

I find comfort in the fact that Peter fails in his loyalty, yet the Lord does not reject him. I know for myself that I would have a hard time under pressure of torture or death, to stand firm. I do believe that God would give me the necessary strength when the time came, but I also know what a weakling I am myself. But that’s OK.

I choose to keep repeating my loyalty to Jesus, now in the good times, and when the time comes, in the hard times too. It will take all of His support to see this through, but I have His promise, and that cannot fail.

Lord, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be. But one thing is for sure, I need Your help!

One Comment

  1. LORD, grant me a heart that is fully devoted to You no matter what the cost…

    Change my heart Oh God, make it ever true,
    Change my heart Oh God, may I be like You….
    You are the Potter, I am the clay,
    Mold me and make me, this is what I pray…
    Change my heart Oh God, make it ever true;
    Change my heart, O God, may I be like You….

    Purify my heart, touch me with Your cleansing fire
    Take me to the cross; Your holiness is my desire
    Breathe Your life in me, Kindle a love that flows from Your throne
    Oh, purify my heart; purify my heart……

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