watch and pray

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 11
One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful. [2 Samuel 11:2] David happens upon this tempting view: a beautiful woman bathing. At this moment, he is tempted. This is not unusual, he is a real, flesh and blood human being, subject to temptation. We are all like David in this; the thing that tempts us may differ from one person to the next, but we all have something that tempts us. David gives in to temptation, then spend the rest of his time in damage control. This make me think of Tiger Woods, who is also in damage control right now for similar reasons. And he is losing everything he values.

Jesus warns His disciples about the devil’s schemes, and urges them to take appropriate steps: Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. [Matthew 26:41] Be diligent in watchfulness and prayer, because our flesh is weak, no matter how strong or willing our spirit is (i.e. we are no better than David). Make no mistake, the devil is always looking for ways to distract, deceive and defeat Jesus’ followers. He tried to seduce Jesus too, but Jesus stood firm. Then we read: When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time [Luke 4:13]. In other words, he still wasn’t done.

Does the devil ever give up? No! He is always looking for the opportune moment when He can knock us down. When we least expect it! Out for a walk, minding our own business, when…

What are the temptations for you? How aware am I of the temptations that I am prone to? How watchful am I for the enemy’s schemes? Do I live as if I am immune? Do I go into each day as if I won’t face temptation? Do I arm myself with the Lord and His Spirit through prayer? Do I take the battle seriously? Do I think I am stronger than David?

Watch and pray, the spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak. Watch and pray, watch and pray. Did I say that enough? Am I convinced? Watch and pray, watch and pray!

Lord, I know this message is for me today. Thank you for using David’s story to remind me of the danger I am in, and to watch and pray everyday!

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