guess who’s coming for dinner?

SCRIPTURE: 2 Samuel 9
And from that time on, Mephibosheth ate regularly at David’s table, like one of the king’s own sons. [2 Samuel 9:11] Guess who’s coming for dinner! You may be surprised. It seems that David, unlike other leaders of his day, is not out to kill the former heirs to his throne, but welcomes them with love, treats them as his own flesh and blood. Mephibosheth represents the enemy that is welcomed with grace, based on the covenant of love between David and Jonathan.

I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. [Matthew 8:11] Jesus says this after He sees the faith of a non-Jewish centurion. He describes how many will come from non-Jewish nations, even though in the Jewish mind they were the enemies. He goes on to say that many Jews will not come, they will reject the invitation to sit as sons at the Lord’s table. This is the risk of grace. When Jesus eats the grace meal with His twelve disciples, Judas is there too. Though Jesus treats him as a brother, Judas betrays Him.

David also discovers the risk of grace. A few chapters later we learn that Mephibosheth still hopes to reclaim his position as king of Israel. [2 Samuel 16:2]; in other words, he betrays David’s grace and love.

Today’s reading, and the example and teaching of Jesus, reveal that God’s invitation of grace extends even to His enemies, and that He is committed to receiving all people back as His sons and daughters. We will be surprised at who shares in the eternal feast of grace, who God welcomes into His eternal kingdom. We will also be surprised at who does not enter.

In this passage I sense the Lord reminding me to be gracious to all people, to extend the invitation to all, because of God’s covenant of love with us. I also sense the risk in this, but following His example, it’s a risk worth taking. Yes, an ‘open table’ allows traitors to take a seat too. But if God is willing to take that risk, who am I to question it.

May our churches be places where even the unworthy are accepted, confident that the Lord will ultimately discern who has a place, and who does not, around His table.

Lord, why should I be surprised that You welcome sinners around Your table, since You have welcomed me. Thank You for Your amazing grace!


  1. Father God, I am brought to my knees as I read this account of David’s journey. How often today do we long for revenge, a wrong to be made right, refuse to have anything to do with those whom have wronged us when like David we too should show / live out Your love, grace and compassion; especially to those whom have been our enemies. Did we not wrong You so greatly yet You sent Your one and only Son to die for my wrongs! Oh God, how great is Your unfailing love and compassion! How great is Your mercy and grace!

    What would happen in our lives if we could serve You with the kind of heart-attitude that David models in these scriptures.

    Not only did David show love and compassion but he showered Mephebosheth with abundant provision!

    LORD, increase my abilty to show/ live out compassion! Help me to respond as You desire me to. Not my ways but Your ways! Whom LORD would You have me reach out to this week……

  2. Mephibosheth was part of Jonathan’s family to which David had promised kindness. Promises kept. We are quick with our words and yet slow with keeping them. Yet our Father keeps all His promises and doesn’t even have to be reminded to keep them since He is faithful, always.

    Mephibosheth was also an outcast of the society in which he lived because he was a cripple. Yet David befriended him because of his promise to Jonathan. So too, God comes to seek and save those who are lost. He comes to them with His arms open telling them that He loves them. He invites them to His banqueting table and shows them His love. So too must I receive all those the Lord my God accepted as part of His family. It is what is on the inside what counts.

    He brought me to his banqueting table
    (Brought me to his banqueting table)
    He brought me to his banqueting table
    (Brought me to his banqueting table)
    And His banner over me is love
    I am my beloved’s and He is mine
    (I am my beloved’s and He is mine)
    Yes, I am my beloved’s and He is mine
    (I am my beloved’s and He is mine)

    And His banner over me is love
    Yes, His banner over me is love

    And we can feel the love of God in this place
    We believe your goodness we receive Your grace
    We delight ourselves at Your table, oh God
    You do all things well, just look at our lives.

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