What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent of it.” (Acts 18:6)
As a Jesus follower, I am eager to show people who Jesus is.
Not for my own sake, but for theirs, that they may know LIFE in him.
Being devoted to sharing Jesus can be hard when people do not receive it.
Paul’s passion was to help his fellow Jews find the promised messiah (Romans 9:3).
But here in Corinth he faces their stubborn refusal and rejection.
In typical Jewish fashion, he shakes off their dust (Matthew 10:14).
This dramatic action honours their freedom to refuse.
It is not an act of judgment (only God can judge), but an act of release.
As a Jesus follower, we do not force or pressure anyone to believe us.
As hard as it is for someone we love, we need to leave them to the Lord.
Only he can reach beyond the walls of their hearts to change them.
Life without God and Jesus is unsustainable; it unravels without them.
God uses our folly and misery to show us this need and to draw us back.
Like the prodigal son, letting go is the best way to help us back.
Lord, letting go of someone you love is the hardest thing to do. Help me to trust that you keep working, even when I have reached my limits.
“But when they opposed Paul and became abusive” – Paul knew when to leave – not that he was giving up but God was leading him to others who would be more receptive to the Gospel. It sounds so much like the prophets of old who came time and time again to warn the people of the error of their ways. Aren’t we like too – we don’t like to listen – we like to go our own way. Lord, help me not to have blinders on or stopped up ears – but help me see what it is you would have me do and say – that I may be faithful to my calling as your follower/messenger!
With God’s help, I can plant and I can water but it is the Lord God Who gives the increase. I have inlaws and outlaws in my family and I pray for them all. I desire that they all are members of His family, but only God is able to melt their hearts. Ijust need to let go and let God do His work.
Make me a channel of your peace
Where there’s despair in life let me bring hope
Where there is darkness, only light
And where there’s sadness ever joy