The God we’re looking for – Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship…” (Acts 17:23)
I believe most people worship God, yet do not know that they do.
We were designed to love, honour and serve that which is ultimate, good, worthy.
But having lost our fellowship with God, we latch on to the ‘next best thing’.
Our versions of God can be spiritual, like twisted ideas of ‘god’.
They can be physical, like alcohol, sex, money, possessions.
They can be social, like fame, popularity, good looks, pleasure, success, conquest.
Whatever we put first in our lives, that is our ‘god’, though we are ignorant of it.
Sadly, any god but God will enslave us, and ruin us in the end.
We were made for God, and our hearts find no rest until they rest in God.
“This is what I am going to proclaim to you.” (Acts 17:23)
Our job is to help people realize the God they are really looking for.
Jesus comes to show us the goodness of God, and the life we can have in him.
Jesus is the God we’re looking for, the life we were made for!
If the God of Jesus is not first in your life, what is… and is it worth living for?
Lord, your picture of God is both grand and good. How can we settle for anything less. Rescue us from our ignorance, that we may know the God we were made for.


  1. Healthy curiosity can lead to people be open to hear the good news. The regular gathering at the Areopagus invited Paul to their daily meeting because they were curious about Paul’s teaching: “May we know what this new teaching is that you are presenting?” Paul used their curiosity and their worship of an ‘unknown’ god – as a starting point for dialogue. If people are open to consider, open to explore – the HS can use it to bring about faith. Lord, I don’t know who the people are that are made curious about you Lord Jesus because of what I’ve said or done – but I know you can use it to bring those whom you have chosen. Help me to be open to your leading!

  2. Searching for meaning in life. What are we here for? And so we run in all directions trying to find the meaning of living, trying to find ways to happiness. Ans that happiness is found in earthly things like power, position, money, etc until we latch onto another ideal.
    Happiness, true happiness can only be found in the Lord God Who created all things. Him I serve. Only He can fill that desire to give meaning to all I do and say.

    Joyful, joyful, we adore You,
    God of glory, Lord of love;
    Hearts unfold like flow’rs before You,
    Op’ning to the sun above.
    Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;
    Drive the dark of doubt away;
    Giver of immortal gladness,
    Fill us with the light of day!

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