Enrolling in the school of Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“When she and the members of her household were baptized…” (Acts 16:15)
Lydia is a worshiper of God, a non-Jewish believer in only one God.
She was not trained in the synagogue, and so her current beliefs were mixed.
What is striking to me is how quickly she and her household are baptized.
No classes, no probation period to check her life and reputation.
What is more, they went to her house and everyone there was baptized.
Not only her children and grand-children, but their servants and families.
They respected and loved her, and everyone decided to be baptized too.
Assuming the Lord opened all their hearts too, what were their beliefs?
This experience of baptism suggests it is the first step, not the conclusion.
It does not follow teaching and church approval, it begins the faith journey.
Like this, I think we need to be much quicker in baptizing people.
After baptism is when the growing and learning together begins.
We walk with them, support them, gently challenge and encourage them.
Baptism is not the graduation, it is enrollment in the school of Jesus!
Lord, may we be more quick and ready to baptize adults and children as your students, and may we do a better job of supporting and encouraging them in their new relationship with you.


  1. Just thinking of Jesus’ instructions to his disciples when he sent them out in twos – – let a blessing be given on each house that receives you. Lydia received the message and invited the messengers to stay – and so Lydia and her family were baptized – the beginnings of the church at Troas. Finding receptive hearts for the message – that’s what it is all about – but how do we know who will be receptive? We don’t – but we should just share the message of the hope we have in Jesus – we are the messengers – not the high pressure salespersons for Jesus!

  2. The Lord at work through His Spirit opening the hearts of the people. Lydia was a believer and the Lord used her to start a community of believers and a base for Paul for His ministry. Open hearts creating open doors welcoming His messengers. God uses His people His wonders to perform. A community accepting one another, encouraging one another by their actions, spurring one on with His work.

    Come, Holy Spirit, Heav’nly Dove,
    With all Thy quick’ning pow’rs;
    Come, shed abroad a Savior’s love,
    And that shall kindle ours.

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