a special relationship

SCRIPTURE: Galatians 4
But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” [Galatians 4:4-6] Though a master may love a servant/slave, they will never love them more than their own child. A child has a special place in a parents heart. They can speak to their parent in a way that the servant/slave cannot. They can call their father ‘daddy’ or their mother ‘mommy’, a personal, intimate name reserved for children. This is the new, special relationship that we have with God. We do not obey God first of all because He is our Master, we obey Him because He is our Father, and we love Him, and He loves us.

An emphasis on Law highlights the submission of servant/slave to Master. We obey because it is our duty. That seems to be the spirit of religion, doing what the Law requires, following the rituals, observing the rules. But it is not the spirit of our new relationship with God through Jesus: I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. [John 15:15] No longer servants, but friends. Jesus has a different analogy than Paul, but the idea is the same. And Jesus uses the Father/child analogy at other times. Both word pictures highlight a close, personal, intimate relationship, one that is characterized primarily by love, not by duty.

This does not mean that we do not have a duty, or that we do not need to obey. But these do not take first place, they are the by-product of a love that desires to honour, please and bless our Father, our Friend. Our motivation is not duty, it is desire; it is not legal obligation, it is loving devotion. This motivation of love is as zealous as the motivation of duty, but love is the right, the best motivation [Galatians 4:18]. Ask any parent which they prefer. Paul goes to great lengths to show this to the Galatians. He reminds them of how they first treated him, as a friend in need, as one they loved [Galatians 4:13-15]. He describes his own relationship with them as a mother giving birth [Galatians 4:19].

What motivates me? What causes me to want to obey? Or why am I not motivated to obey? What is the condition of my heart, my love? How is my relationship with God, with Jesus. How does this shape the way I live?

Lord, increase my love, for I sense it is weak. I want to love You more, and I want to experience Your love more. May love motivate me to serve You!

One Comment

  1. Father help us to break free from the chains of bondage that keep us from living in the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit. Forgive us for the way we try to put dos and don’ts in place, for the spirit of judgement and law that we allow to creep into our lives especially in our churches. Break those chains, expose satan and his ways, empower us to get back to the heart of being a Christ Follower.

    Abba, I cry out to You! Help me to live a faith of love, grace and mercy.

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