maybe Pilate was right!?!

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 29
So Achish called David and said to him, “As surely as the LORD lives, you have been reliable, and I would be pleased to have you serve with me in the army. From the day you came to me until now, I have found no fault in you, but the rulers don’t approve of you. [1 Samuel 29:6] Today I feel like I am stretching to find a Jesus connection. One thing that makes it tough is that the rulers are actually right, David is not trustworthy. We saw earlier that David was deceiving Achish, raiding Israel’s enemies (neighbouring villages, far from Achish) but saying that he was attacking Judah’s territory [1 Samuel 27:8-12]. So Achish’s confidence in David is mistaken.

Contrast with Jesus. Pilate, a foreign ruler, sees no guilt in Jesus: Then Pilate announced to the chief priests and the crowd, “I find no basis for a charge against this man.” [Luke 23:4] But like Achish, Pilate is not as committed to Jesus as he is to his own survival. Both Achish and Pilate give in to the pressure to send these “innocent David’s” away.

And come to think of it, maybe it was actually wise. Afterall, both David and Jesus were dangerous. What they represented – God’s anointed ones set apart to establish God’s kingdom – would be a threat to their own worldly kingdoms. In time David’s throne would take over Achish’s kingdom; in time Jesus kingdom will overcome Pilate’s authority. It should not be surprising to us that any move of God towards His kingdom will face opposition, rejection, violence. Jesus’ message of the kingdom is a threat to this world order; it does aim towards the eventual subversion of the way things are in this world. Kings and rulers ought to be hesitant when Jesus-followers are present, because when God’s Spirit moves in and through them, it will undermine their own positions and plans.

The message of Jesus is a threat to this world as it is. It is a threat to individuals and countries. But a good threat! It is a threat in the same way that the Allies were a threat to the Nazis. Those who are committed to selfishness, to greed, to cruelty, to immorality, etc. ought to be nervous. Jesus does not intend to keep this world the way it is. He does not come with military power, but with humility power – compassion, justice, generosity, mercy. It may seem weak and harmless, but this mustard seed kingdom will one day subvert evil and establish paradise.

So maybe Achish and Pilate were wise to distrust afterall…

Lord, forgive me for thinking of Your message as weak; help me see the subversive and world-changing nature of Your kingdom!

One Comment

  1. Let your light shine. David had been true to Achish. He found David to be true and reliable and without fault. In all our dealings or situations, we must be true to the Lord. It is the Lord God we we are serving and not men. David was saved from battle here. God moves in mysterious ways His wonderous works to perform. In all situations, the people must speak well of God’s servants if we but live for Jesus.

    Lord, speak to me that I may speak
    In living echoes of Thy tone;
    As Thou has sought, so let me seek
    Thine erring children lost and lone.

    O lead me, Lord, that I may lead
    The wandering and the wavering feet;
    O feed me, Lord, that I may feed
    Thy hungering ones with manna sweet.

    O strengthen me, that while I stand
    Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee,
    I may stretch out a loving hand
    To wrestlers with the troubled sea.

    O teach me, Lord, that I may teach
    The precious things Thou dost impart;
    And wing my words, that they may reach
    The hidden depths of many a heart.

    O give Thine own sweet rest to me,
    That I may speak with soothing power
    A word in season, as from Thee,
    To weary ones in needful hour.

    O fill me with Thy fullness, Lord,
    Until my very heart overflow
    In kindling thought and glowing word,
    Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show.

    O use me, Lord, use even me,
    Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where,
    Until Thy blessèd face I see,
    Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share.

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