remember me

November 18, 2009
SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 25
And when the LORD has brought my master success, remember your servant.” [1 Samuel 25:31] These words from Abigail remind me of the words of the criminal on the cross: Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. [Luke 23:42] In both cases, the person speaking (Abigail and the criminal) humble themselves and admit their undeserving. In both cases they are speaking to someone who is not yet king, and for whom their situation remains negative (David is still on the run; Jesus is on the cross). It takes faith in God for both of them to put their hope in the Lord’s anointed.

Our situation as Jesus-followers has some similarities. Though Jesus has won the victory on the cross, and is ruling from heaven, for all appearances the power of darkness and evil still seems to have the upper hand. This world does not look like God’s paradise yet. The cruel, the immoral, the unjust seem to be in charge. Our ‘hero’ is still rejected by the world, even by many of His own followers. Many, like Nabal, defy Jesus and reject Him and His claim of kindness and mercy.

We are pinning our hopes on an invisible King. We are putting our hope in a rejected King. We appear to be fools for following Him. Many people snicker at our naiveté and folly. In some ways, we are strangers here in this world, like David and his band of followers.

But our confidence is that the Lord has anointed the Son of David as King, and even though it doesn’t look like it right now, He is in charge. Like Abigail, we cling to Him for mercy and help. His day is coming, when everyone will know that He is King. Until then, we continue to follow Him and say, “remember Your servant; remember me when You come into Your kingdom”.

And Jesus is whispering in our hearts, “I tell you the truth, you will be with me in paradise.” [Luke 23:43] Perhaps not today, but one day. Abigail finds refuge in David’s home. We find refuge with God. Following Jesus right now seems foolish. But we follow Him now because we are confident that one day He will revealed as King of the Universe, restoring God’s kingdom paradise. This is the good news of the Kingdom, the message that we repent and believe. We believe it, despite what we see or what others say. And one day, we will see it, receive it, and enjoy it forever.

Lord, I choose to follow You now. Remember me when You come in Your kingdom. Use me to help others receive this hope!

One Comment

  1. David lost focus in a moment of emotion and was reacting without going to the LORD first when Nabal insulted him and his men. God sent Abigail to intervene, to prevent David from making a mistake.

    LORD, thank You for the reminder that even though I allow myself to be distracted, taking my focus of You, You will always provide a way of escape. LORD, grant me a spirit of discernment, may I be aware of the times when You intervene, to protect me from stepping out of Your will. May I have eyes to see,mind to understand and ears to hear Your holy interventions/ interuptions; the ‘Abigails’ that You send to greet me.

    LORD, I pray also that should You decide to use me as an “Abigail” that I will be obedient to Your leading and direction.

    Father, as this day unfolds, may I follow You!

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