following Jesus

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 22
All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him. [1 Samuel 22:2] I see two reflections of Jesus in this passage. One is how it was society’s rejects that gathered around David; the same happened with Jesus, Who was challenged for gathering “sinners” around Him: While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and “sinners” came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and `sinners’?” [Matthew 9:10-11]

The other reflection is in how those who side with David become enemies of the rebel king Saul. David said to Abiathar, I am responsible for the death of your father’s whole family. Stay with me; don’t be afraid; the man who is seeking your life is seeking mine also. You will be safe with me.” [1 Samuel 22:22-23] Jesus warned about a similar result for those that follow Him: All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. [Matthew 10:22]

I think both of these are basic realities in this sinful world: God’s way is more attractive to those on the margins of this world, and those that choose to follow God’s way (Jesus) will face opposition in the world. Who are the people that are drawn to Jesus? Typically not those who are happy or comfortable with life in this world. What happens to those who follow Jesus? Typically, those who seriously attempt to live like Jesus face ridicule, hardship and in many places cruelty.

I also think both of these realities can also serve as a gauge to test the strength and depth of our following Jesus. If I am comfortable in this life, if I am content with how things are in me and/or around me, its likely that my sense of my need for Jesus is not as strong. And if I am not facing some ridicule or hardship for how I follow Jesus, its likely that how I am following Jesus is not going deep enough. The way of Jesus is counter-cultural (against the way of the world) and counter-intuitive (against how we normally think). If we don’t feel it, we’re likely not following it.

Lord, help me to sense my need for You, and help me to go deeper and further in following Your radical lifestyle.

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