no greater love

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 20
And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself. [1 Samuel 20:17] Love your neighbour as yourself. The assumption in this statement is that we naturally love (or look out for) ourselves the most. Even those with low self-esteem feel bad about themselves out of a form of self-love, so wrapped up in themselves that they cannot deal with their inadequacies and failures. But the kind of love God made us for is a love and commitment to others, which is returned by them to us. This would be paradise, where I do not need to worry about loving myself because everyone else does – and vice versa.

Jonathan demonstrates covenant love, a deep-rooted commitment at great cost to himself. His love for David jeopardizes his claim to the throne [1 Samuel 20:30-31]; it also puts his own life at risk from his father. This is the kind of love we are all called to, but it is not a gushy, nice love; it is painful, at times disappointing. Because we do not live in paradise, and others do not reciprocate this kind of love, those we love often let us down.

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. [John 15:12-13] Jesus not only demands such love, He demonstrates it. For God in the flesh, Who has been so poorly treated by us, to call us friends, to connect Himself to us with a covenant of love, to sacrifice Himself for our sake, this is amazing love. He laid down His life for us, His friends. Jonathan does the same for David, his friend. And it was very painful, very costly.

We often avoid the pain and cost of such love. To get involved with difficult people, to give up time for needy people, to be patient with those who try our patience, to sacrifice time and money and energy on those who demand much but give little. If they were our children we would pay the price, but that is because we love them. But those we do not like we do not love. If we really obeyed the command to love one another, our lives and our world would be very different; we would be paying a much higher price.

I am feeling conviction in this. I have some difficult relationships that drain me. I know how I feel about these people, how I hold back, how I minimize contact when I can. I feel the need to look deep into my own heart, to consider whether I love these people like I love myself. My command is this: Love each other as I have love you!

Lord, help me not just to love those I like, or those who are close to me; help me to love like You. But I need Your help, I can’t do it on my own!


  1. LORD, the depth of Jonathon and David’s relationship and their commitment to one another leaves me longing….. I know that Christ loves me with this depth of commitment and love – He died for me! Would I do the same for Him?

    LORD, these scriptures convict me of how believers today (myself included) fall so short of caring for and loving others. Where is our commitment to one another?

    The enemy is hunting and taking out people all around us (broken marriages, addictions, strongholds, apathy, division, loneliness etc.) and yet, are we even trying to warn one another as Jonathon did so we might escape ‘death’? LORD God, forgive us. Grow in us a spirit of caring and commitment to one another, so that at the very least, even if we cannot truly save each other, we will warn one another of pending danger……

    Give me eyes to see LORD that each and every person on this earth was created by You and for You. Help me to see all through the power of Your love.

    I pray too that my personal relationship with Christ grows to beyond the depth of friendship that was shared and modeled by Jonathon and David. May I never allow anything to come between Christ and myself. In the power of the Holy Spirit may I do everything possible to protect this relationship. LORD, as You direct, may I also have the courage to ‘warn’ others of pending danger when the enemy is hunting them…… Fill me with Your love.

  2. This is a true love story. No greater love does one have than to lay down his life for his brother. Christ Jesus showed us that love. Jonathan showed us that love.

    David served the king with ‘his harp’ and the king ‘served’ David with his javelin. We will have obstacles in our relationships with our fellowman, but God must have the increase. Christ stretched out His arms on the cross and showed me how much He loves me. I must do likewise. As David served his king so I too must serve my King. LoveStrong.

    Help me this day, Lord, to be GodStrong in my relationship to all those You place on my path so that I may also LoveStrong as I serve You this day. TGIF – Today God Is First in all I say and do

    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    From the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart.
    Love is a flag flying high from the castle of my heart,
    For the King is in residence there.

    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    Let the whole world know, let the whole world know.
    So let it fly in the sky let the whole world know,
    That the King is in residence there.

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