our Champion!

SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 17
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands. [1 Samuel 17:47] What guarantees success in whatever challenges or battles we face? Does the strongest always win? The biggest? The smartest? The most popular? The richest? The best looking? In some cases, it seems this way. We certainly assume that it works this way. Obviously the army with a Goliath is more likely to win than the army without him. David makes an important point here: the battle belongs to the Lord, victory ultimately comes from Him.

Think about when Jesus was being arrested, and Peter tried to defend Him with his sword: “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” [Matthew 26:52-54] Jesus is saying that those who trust in the sword for victory ultimately are defeated by it; in time someone stronger always comes along. In Jesus’ case, its not that He didn’t have His own ‘Goliath’ (i.e. twelve legions of angels) to call upon. But He knew that victory in this battle would not come that way. Actually, in Jesus’ case the victory comes by being defeated by ‘Goliath’ (Satan, sin, death, hell). On the cross, Satan strikes what seems to be the winning blow; but Jesus survives the worst that Satan throws at Him, and triumphs. It is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves – no, it is by weakness, humility, sacrifice, grace.

Throughout the scriptures this theme is repeated: God sides with the weak, the humble, the insignificant (in the world’s eyes). David, the youngest, with his sling and pebbles, takes out the mightiest warrior. Jesus, a mere human without an army, takes out Satan, sin, death and hell. Scripture is fulfilled!

Jesus’ teaching and pattern for living seems weak. Humility, kindness, love, compassion, forgiveness, self-sacrifice? How can we defeat the powers of Satan, sin, death and hell with these ‘sticks and stones’. We can, because standing behind us is our own ‘Goliath’; and the battle belongs to the Lord! The Jesus’ Way works because this is how the Lord saves. We need David’s kind of faith in our own ‘Goliath’, and we need to start practicing the Jesus Way – taking on the ‘strength’ of evil with the ‘weakness’ of God.

Lord, give me the boldness and confidence of David; help me to stand up to evil like You did – quietly, graciously, confident in You – my Champion!


  1. LORD, so often, I too like Saul’s army, only see the ‘appearance’ of the circumstance / situation rather than David’s perspective which allows David to see the true power and force behind the ‘appearance’.

    LORD, help me to have the depth of faith that David had especially when I face the ‘giants’ in my life. I can do nothing in my own strength but as I stand before those ‘giants’ in the the power of You and Your mighty strenth, I too can have victory for those giants become powerless. All I need is You.

  2. The Lord God is my strength.

    Once again I am reminded not to rely upon my armour – of strength, power, knowledge, position, but upon the armour of God. Goliath was self reliant and defied the Lord God. David was GodStrong and came in His name, in His power. Once again I am shown that God uses the weak, the meek, the unexpected to achieve His purposes. I need FaithPower to be FaithStrong. PrayerStrong so that I may go forward in His name against all odds. God equips His people His wonders to perform. How will I ‘dress’ myself today to live for Jesus. How do I equip myself for the ‘battle?’ What is my ‘armour’ for today?

    By Your Spirit Lord, help me to be Your champion, always ready to give an answer for the faith I have in Christ Jesus. God’s Champion. GodStrong.

    Am I a soldier of the cross,
    A follower of the Lamb,
    And shall I fear to own His cause,
    Or blush to speak His Name?

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