This new life!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Go and tell the people all about this new life.” (Acts 5:20)
This is the first time I’ve noticed these words, “this new life”.
We tell people about Jesus, or how he is Saviour and Lord.
But to tell people about a “new life”, how my life is new, how it has changed?
The disciples were obviously different than they were before the resurrection.
What does life before Jesus look like, what does life after Jesus look like?
Jesus has changed our lives, and Jesus is still changing our lives.
I am not what I was, and yet I am not yet what I will one day be.
These few words remind me to reflect GRATITUDE for the changes I have experienced.
I am free from condemnation, I have hope despite the messed up world, I am not alone.
God loves me, Jesus is guiding me, the Spirit is helping and changing me.
These words also remind me to reflect GROWTH in the way I am living my life.
To “make every effort” (2Peter 1:5) with his help to be more like Jesus…
More loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, faithful, self-controlled.
How am I experiencing “new life”, and is my life something I want to talk about?
Lord, you have set me free to go, show and tell this new life. Thank you that I am not what I was, and help me to grow into what I will be!


  1. Jealousy among the religious leaders. The apostles had a greater following than they. The focus needs to on the good news and not themselves. The focus is on sharing the good news and in that we are not competing with one another. Being lead by the Spirit we all need to share what the Lord God has done for us. We all need to be one in sharing the story. Christian need to do this together and not divide His Church. Lord, give us all open eyes and open hearts to hear Your voice saying this is the way, walk in it.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You
    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

  2. What a story – thinking of the leaders of the Sadducees etc. – they were jealous, then they were at a loss as to where the apostles went, and then fear of the people when they found them at the temple sharing the good news. What an emotional journey. I am sure many broke ranks and considered what the apostles were sharing! Yet for many, like Saul, their ears were plugged up – they would not except the claims the apostles were making of Jesus’ resurrection and how it fit with their story from Moses through the prophets and David. Open my eyes and ears that I might see – that many more may see the wonder and the joy of salvation through Jesus my Lord and Saviour!

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