Now THAT is a miracle!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own,
but they shared everything they had.” (Acts 4:32)

This is one of the greatest miracles of Jesus.
Healing the blind or raising the dead is child’s play compared to this.
People giving up their possessions to share with others?
Making or raising a body is nothing for God who made the whole Universe.
But how do you change the heart of free will yet sinful human beings?
It is this character transformation that convinces me of Jesus.
The resurrected Jesus changing hearts and lives through the Spirit.
Prompting and helping us to think about giving, sharing, including, loving.
Has knowing Jesus produced this miracle of selflessness in me?
Am I less and less possessed by myself, my opinions, my comfort, my desires?
Am I more and more becoming a humble, loving, generous person?
This is the miracle I want to see in me.
This is the miracle Jesus wants to see in his followers!
Lord, your Spirit can change us like this, but we need to open our hearts and minds to be one in heart and mind. Help me to be receptive this this kind of miracle!


  1. Maybe we’re not thankful enough for God’s grace?! These early believers were overflowing with gracious generousity and they made sure everyone had enough: “And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all”. Am I just too stingy? I hate to admit it – but yes! I’m being stewardly – but still it’s stingy. Just tithing is not enough – I have to be ready to give of my wealth, share my home, my time my assets and respond to needs as they come to me. Lord help me to grow in being gracious and wise in my graciousness – but not hoarding!!

  2. WoW!
    All the believers were one in heart and mind. That certainly is not true today. All too often believers want their own way. And if they do not get their way they go elsewhere to find their own way. We need to let God have His way. It is all for Jesus. All what I have is His. My words and deeds must show that I am a child of the king. On my journey of JOY I need to show that Jesus is first, Others are second and You(Yourself) is last.

    Have Thine own way, Lord,
    Have Thine own way;
    Hold o’er my being
    Absolute sway.
    Fill with Thy Spirit
    Till all shall see
    Christ only, always,
    Living in me.

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