Building together!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Unless the Lord builds… the builders labor in vain… (Psalm 127:1)
What if my house or city falls, if I don’t have kids, or can’t sleep?
Does this mean God is not for me, God is not blessing me?
Or if a church community is not growing, is it because God is not with us?
For me this is not a judgment psalm, but an encouragement psalm.
‘Trust in me, rely on me, and your efforts won’t be in vain!’
‘You cannot do life on your own, you need my presence and support.’
I have tried planning, scheming and building church in my own strength.
I can relate to the ‘in vain’, working hard yet stressed and sleepless.
“If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;
Apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

We were made to live and work in partnership with God.
Jesus comes to renew this partnership, so that we can be fruitful!
As a Jesus follower I am developing followers of Jesus WITH Jesus.
He uses my weak and flawed efforts to build his house – I am blessed!
Lord, you have promised to build your church, and that Satan would not overcome it. Working with you is not in vain!


  1. Building with the right priorities – building with the Lord’s help! I know that is what lasts. I know that I am prone to make mistakes – I’ve made many – yet when I admit it and turn back and humble myself – and acknowledge my failures/mistakes – God uses it- to teach me and I grow. I know the best thing I can do for my family – for my children and grandchildren is to lead them to the Lord – then it is true: “They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.’ Leading my family to the truth will help them to speak the truth!

  2. Unless the Lord . . .
    This is God’s world. He is in control. He is in charge. And His followers are His instruments of peace . They live for Jesus doing His will serving Him. He enables. He empowers. God makes it happen for His people when they live for Jesus. He makes us instruments of His peace doing His will. Again this day I say Good morning Lord. Help me to serve You in all I do and say. Use me this day in Your service.

    He is able, more than able
    To accomplish what concerns me today
    He is able, more than able
    To handle anything that comes my way
    He is able, more than able
    To do much more than I could ever dream
    He is able, more than able
    To make me what He wants me to be

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