Burning in me!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.” (Jeremiah 20:9)
Jeremiah is struggling with being God’s messenger.
The message itself is dark, and people are attacking him for it.
His job is to warn people about impending doom – not a pleasant job.
Its easier and safer to soften the message, to hold back on the negativity.
I have had times when I had to challenge and warn people.
They were convinced their path was OK, but I could see the warning signs.
Who am I to judge… and so I’m careful they do not hear me judging them.
My desperate hope is to win them over, to help them see and change their way.
But I hold back, I hesitate, I resist saying what I sense needs to be said.
I feel Jeremiah’s struggle, when the message burns within.
I can’t keep it in, but I can’t get it out…
We are all called to be God’s messengers, to talk about Jesus and our hope in him.
And being the messenger today is not really popular, people will look at us funny.
I feel this fire in me: people need to hear this, but isn’t easy sharing it!
Lord, help me to see that ignoring or silencing your message does no one any good. Help me to be both humble and bold, that I may hear and say what needs to be heard and said!


  1. “his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones… for to you I have committed my cause.”
    The commitment and perseverance in the face of ridicule and persecution (even put in the stocks) – of Jeremiah is an example of Jesus – what Jesus bore on the way to the cross. So many believers that have the ‘fire in their heart’ have been ridiculed, persecuted, tortured and executed for their faith. Lord help me to have such faith that I too may stand up to the test – to be faithful – like Jeremiah, like you Lord Jesus. I can be so easily shut down. Help me with stamina that I might endure!

  2. Once again the people were stiff necked – going their own way doing what was right in their own eyes. But God raises up His followers, who speak His Word and listens to His voice. That voice, my voice, must sing praises to the Lord for He rescues His own, all who have committed to His cause. Lead me and guide me by Your Spirit Lord that I may speak in tones loud and clear proclaim Your Way.

    Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
    In living echoes of Thy tone;
    As Thou hast sought, so let me seek
    Thy erring children lost and lone.
    O lead me, Lord, that I may lead
    The wandering and the wavering feet;
    O feed me, Lord, that I may feed
    Thy hungering ones with manna sweet.
    O strengthen me, that while I stand
    Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee,
    I may stretch out a loving hand
    To wrestlers with the troubled sea.
    O teach me, Lord, that I may teach
    The precious things Thou dost impart;
    And wing my words, that they may reach
    The hidden depths of many a heart.
    O give Thine own sweet rest to me,
    That I may speak with soothing power
    A word in season, as from Thee
    To weary ones in needful hour.
    O fill me with Thy fulness, Lord,
    Until my very heart o’erflow
    In kindling thought and glowing word,
    Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show.
    O use me, Lord, use even me,
    Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where,
    Until Thy blessed face I see,
    Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share!

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