In the name of the Lord!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’” (Acts 4:11)
Peter is quoting Psalm 118, which is worth reading to see the connections.
That psalm urges religious leaders to praise the Lord for what was done (118:2-4).
By quoting Psalm 118:22, he answers their question with what that Psalm goes on to say:
“The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.” (118:23-24)
The religious leaders had rejected (crucified) Jesus, but God has chosen him.
Jesus is the stone around which God’s whole ‘building’ will be built.
The disciples are servants of Jesus, “who come in the name of the Lord.” (118:26)
As a Jesus follower, this is how I need to build my life around Jesus too.
My confidence is not in me but in who stands behind me: the crucified risen Jesus!
My name means nothing, for I have no power; whatever I do I do in his power and name.
Maybe the Lord could use me to heal a lame person too, if I had more confidence.
I admit my weakness of faith, but this does not take away from Jesus!
Jesus is the cornerstone, and he is still doing great things, with or without me!
Lord, you are the cornerstone, Saviour and Lord. Strengthen my confidence in your name, so that I can see your power working in my life too!


  1. No other name – no other way – no other works: only the name of Jesus: “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” I know its exclusive but it all comes down to Jesus – whether through the old covenant leading to Jesus or under the new covenant in Jesus’ blood – his crucifixion – there is no other. “Not what my hands have done can save my guilty soul!” Jesus, all for Jesus! The apostles clearly articulated it as recorded here by Luke!

  2. When I read the passage I thought about how shocked the Jewish leaders must have been. They thought they had got rid of Jesus; but His Name was still powerful, His Presence was still here! They could not stop Jesus’ work on earth! Mind blowing for them, so sad that they could not accept their Messiah.
    Oh to be the kind of follower of Jesus that others can see Him in me and be drawn to Him.

  3. God empowers His people. Just think, about 5,000 believed upon hearing the Word – Jesus saves. His Spirit was certainly at work. His Spirit continues to be at work this day empowering His own to proclaim the gospel. I too need to proclaim the Good News and that is only a possibility if the Spirit continues to work in me and through me. I need to be an instrument of His peace..

    We have heard the joyful sound:
    Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
    Spread the tidings all around:
    Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
    Bear the news to every land,
    Climb the steeps and cross the waves;
    Onward!—’tis our Lord’s command;
    Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

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