Who can I bless today?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.” (Acts 3:21)
Compare Peter and John’s boldness here to their fear before Jesus died.
Either they’re nuts… or they’re telling the truth!
They are not just on fire about ‘forgiveness’ or ‘going to heaven’.
They know God is using Jesus and them to bless the nations…
To bring times of refreshing to the whole world!
To restore God’s creation paradise, and bless all people!
God has placed ‘Adam’ on the throne to make things ‘very good’.
Healing this man is a sign of what God wants to do for everyone.
Like Peter and John, I want to be a blessing people in Jesus Name!
To be known for blessing – not judging, or hiding, or hypocrisy.
This is our job until Jesus’ returns, to be witnesses of who he is.
To spread times of refreshing (v.20) until God restores everything (v.21).
As a Jesus follower, make it your daily determination to somehow do this.
Be the reason that someone smiles, has hope, is encouraged, is healed.
Lord, we have been blessed to be a blessing. You are on the throne, but you are ruling through us, by the Spirit. Help me to see the opportunities today to bless people in your name.


  1. “It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.”

    Lord help me be a witness to you in my actions and works. Even if my place isn’t to speak, I pray your light will shine through the work of my hands!

  2. “Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything,” Peter is now a powerful witness and now proclaims Jesus coming again. He is gracious to his fellow Israelites (basically you and your leaders crucified Jesus in ignorance) and invites them to now accept Jesus – to repent. I’m sure many people who heard him had their eyes opened. It is a testimony to us as well as Peter ties it all together for us. Jesus did what the scriptures predicted and his mission/purpose was clearly defined. It fits together – our disobedience that led us to sin and still does – needs Jesus – needs the HS – we need to turn to him in every instance if we are to stay true to God’s purposes for us!

  3. God will restore His creation. Listen to His voice. Listen to those who proclaim His word. Then you and I and our children will be a blessing to the nation following His Way and walking in His SonShine being a Light to the nations. He set me on the right way serving Him. Help me daily Lord to be a servant of Your peace.

    Make me a servant
    Humble and meek
    Lord let me lift up
    Those who are weak
    And may the prayer
    Of my heart always be
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant today

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