confidence in the Lord

November 7, 2009
SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 14
There are aspects to this story that do not sit well. Saul’s oath, God not answering Saul because of Jonathan’s eating honey, God using the lot to expose Jonathan, Saul’s intent to kill Saul. Does this passage suggest that God is party to these kinds of actions? I am more inclined to say that God works through the flawed and foolish actions of His people (including me) to accomplish His purpose, but He is not to blame for my flawed and foolish actions. He gets the credit for bringing something good out of them. There is something in Jonathan that inspires me: Jonathan said to his young armour-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.” [1 Samuel 14:6]

His confidence leads him to do something bold, risky… stupid? Jonathan seems to be like the apostle Peter here. And God seems to encourages him, giving him victory in the foolish military venture, and setting up his father with the vow/honey/lot situation. God is contrasting Jonathan’s faith and wisdom with Saul’s lack of faith, his fear and folly. Notice how Jonathan’s confidence in the Lord – nothing can hinder the LORD – with Jesus statement about confidence (faith) in the Lord: I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, `Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. [Matthew 17:20]

Nothing impossible for me? Can I lift a car with one hand? Can I fix a clogged artery with a spoken word? Can I create a stone that is impossible for me lift? How far does this “nothing” go? Two thoughts: Yes, the impossible is possible, when I am united with God’s power! But a qualifier to this is that I need to be united to His purpose, not just His power. Not just for my own glory, my own curiosity, my own selfish interest. The sons of Sceva were not able to cast out demons – not because God’s power was limited but because they were not united to God in His purpose [Acts 19:13-16].

Those who follow Jesus, work with Him in His kingdom mission, dedicate themselves for God’s purpose, will discover God’s power working through them in amazing ways. This is what led Jonathan to great success, as well as David against Goliath. It is not just abstract, academic faith like a mustard seed, but dedicated, active faith. Step forward with the Lord in His kingdom work, and watch what God can do! Healing, changing circumstances, answered prayer, etc.

Lord, help me not to seek Your power apart from Your purpose. Help me to devote myself to Your kingdom purpose, then let me see Your power!

One Comment

  1. Where am I safe? Saul needed the ark and the priests or did he?. Jonathan and his armour bearer went ahead trusting in the Lord. And seeing the Philistines in disarray, Saul charged in without asking the Lord for guidance – he left the priests. And in his haste, desiring the victory he told his men they could not eat. How then could they fight? Their strength would be drained. Give us this day our daily bread. Each day we need to rely and walk with God. He is our Bread of Life. He is our Provider.

    And when their is sin in our hearts, the starting point must be ourselves, not others. And Saul had no peace after this battle because he choose the valiant men for his army. If we in our own strength confide, our striving will be losing.

    Help me each day Lord to walk in Your LightForce.

    Did we in our strength confide,
    our striving would be losing;
    Were not the right Man on our side,
    the Man of God’s own choosing:
    Dost ask who that may be?
    Christ Jesus, it is He;
    Lord Sabbaoth, His Name,
    from age to age the same,
    And He must win the battle.

    Lord, ’tis not that I did choose Thee;
    That, I know, could never be;
    For this heart would still refuse Thee
    Had Thy grace not chosen me.
    Thou hast from the sin that stained me
    Washed and cleansed and set me free
    And unto this end ordained me,
    That I ever live to Thee.

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