What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?
“I have withdrawn my blessing, my love and my pity from this people.” (Jeremiah 16:5)
From what Jeremiah is saying, God is very, very angry.
The suffering described seems excessively brutal, isn’t God being too harsh?
Jeremiah explains that it is because they have rejected God and the Law (16:11)
We need to remember that God’s rules are meant to legislate love.
To not dishonour God or others, to not lie, cheat, steal, abuse, kill.
Instead of being good and loving, they were greedy, cruel and violent.
God is not just being ornery, God sees the horrible consequences of their ways.
But notice God is not causing these judgments; God withdraws his blessing.
God releases them to live as they want, and lets them enjoy the results.
Everyday I have the choice to act out of love, or not.
God sent Jesus to show us the power and blessing of love, and to draw us to it.
Our world today needs more people loving like Jesus; Jesus is asking us to help.
Jesus releases me to live as I want, and will let me enjoy the results!
May it not be said of me that I forsook Jesus and did not keep his love!
Lord, may the people I interact with today sense your gracious love through me. May the world be a little more loving today because of how I kept your Law!
God rejects his people – even the messenger feels rejected – but God promises: “for I am with you to rescue and save you,”. Sometimes we do go through difficult times – maybe not as severe as Jeremiah – we will feel rejected – I know I do. But the Lord comes through – He is faithful! I’ve seen that – so if God has been faithful in the past He will be in the present and future as well – that is what I tell myself. This passage reminds me again how God is discipling his people – which means he disciplines when it is needed.
Once again the people went their own way and did what was right in their own eyes. They left the way of the Lord. They followed their own stubbornness and not God’s way. Therefor all the destruction in the land was their doing and not God’s. He let them serve themselves rather than Him. Yet the Lord will show His power and might so that tey know His name. May I too know Him in all I do and say.
Have thine own way, Lord!
Have thine own way!
Thou art the potter,
I am the clay.
Mold me and make me
after thy will,
while I am waiting,
yielded and still.