This is the God Jesus shows us!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth…” (Jeremiah 9:24)
In these words we see the essence of true faith, knowing what God is really like.
Sadly God’s people keep turning back to other gods and their terrible ways.
They pretend to be holy and nice but they are deceptive and hypocritical.
Although Jeremiah prophecies judgment, it is not because God is an angry God.
God is excessively kind, just and righteous, and wants this for everyone.
God sees in cruelty, deception, injustice and immorality, and is pained by it.
How we know God will determine how we show God to others.
But do we “have the understanding to know” (9:24) who God really is?
The best way to know what God is like is to look at Jesus, to see how he is.
He doesn’t come with wrath or vengeance but with patient, self-giving love.
He exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, and is crucified for it.
“For in these I delight, declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 9:24)
Do believers today know God like this, is this how they show God to others?
If we claim to delight in Jesus, we ought to delight in the things he delights in.
Lord, through all the warnings and tears of Jeremiah I see the loving heart of God longing for kindness, justice and righteousness for me, for all! Help me to know God this way, and to show God this way!


  1. “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them.”
    Seeing the things that are happening today – the bombing of innocent lives – of destruction – of wanton aggression – the evil of it all. Seeing the destruction of homes in raging fires and raging tornadoes or rising flood waters. Life can be very anxious – insecure when we see inflation and endemic risks to health. God says don’t be afraid – we are to trust in Him: “I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord.” That is what I delight in as well and I find it in Jesus!

  2. I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love. I need to walk in His SonShine. He directs my steps. I need to acknowledge Him in all my doings. Others need to see that I am a living epistle read by all those around me. They too need to know that their hearts need to be turned so that they too will serve the living God and not insist upon their own way doing evil in the sight of the Lord.

    His forever, only His:
    Who the Lord and me shall part?
    Ah, with what a rest of bliss
    Christ can fill the loving heart.
    Heaven and earth may fade and flee,
    Firstborn light in gloom decline;
    But, while God and I shall be,
    I am His, and He is mine.

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