a response to consumer religion

Remember the post with the cartoon two weeks ago entitled “consumer religion”. And remember the great discussion it provoked? Well one person spent some time reflecting on how better to frame the picture, how to pain Jesus community as He would desire it to be. Linda Wielinga adapted an image used by the CRWRC (Christian Reformed World Relief Committee) for its world hunger emphasis called “One Table”. She added some balloon comments. Church - Gods desire for
Notice how everyone has an equal place at the table? Notice how each one is giving themselves in worship, and to one another? No one person stands out from the others. Doesn’t this seem so much more like the community that Jesus had in mind?

Now the question is, how would you set up a ‘sanctuary’ (I dislike that word) to better experience this kind of community? Maybe more like a living room, or a dining room?

One Comment

  1. Have the chairs go all around – no front stage, everyone on the same level. I like the Brethren concept of where you have many lay speakers (not preachers) that stand up and share. Perhaps you don’t even have to stand up – just share in your spot. Give permission for the congregation to respond. It will take a season to get used to – some may not like it, since we are all now looking at each other (no room for dosing!). It becomes more active, more open for responsiveness, alive, breathing, engaged for activity!

    But of course, you may run into such problems as these;
    – patience to hear people speak out (appropriately and inappropriately)
    – may take longer to get through the sermon outline
    – may actually wake us up to make decisions and be accountable to each other … ooch! that means I can’t sleep through my church years anymore!

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