Backward or forward?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“They went backward and not forward.” (Jeremiah 7:24)
These chapters from Jeremiah review how messed up God’s people had become.
They still worshiped, still went to the temple and still made sacrifices.
But they were also falling deeper into sinful, shameless and cruel immorality.
They were even sacrificing their children to Molech and Baal (7:30-31).
God does not demand immediate perfection, but God does want good intention.
The intention to do what is right, and the effort to obey God’s will.
God’s will is not harsh or unfair, it is for our own good, it protects life!
They were moving backwards, becoming less and less holy as time went on.
All their temple-worship meant nothing, they were not improving.
As Jesus followers, we know that we are forgiven through Jesus.
But does that make us lazy, or does that inspire us to be better?
We cannot stand still with God; we naturally drift if we do not work a it.
We are prone to wander, unless we take steps to grow and improve.
Are you growing or drifting, are you going backward or forward?
Lord, being saved is not enough, I need to work out my salvation with sincere and serious effort. Help me not to use grace as an excuse to stay where am. Help me to make every effort to add to my faith!


  1. :We are safe”—safe to do all these detestable things?” The inconsistency of a ‘false’ piety – hypocrisy that God so detests. The people may make motions to worship but their worship is misdirected and their lives did not repent of doing things that were detestable to the Lord. The prophet/people ask “Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?” The detestable things stand in the way. My heart too needs to be directed to my Lord and saviour – seeking to do His will at all times rather than following my own will – when I follow my own desires (flesh) I am actually going backwards – when I lean and seek the leading of the HS – I move forward! Lord I want to move forward!

  2. Truth has perished.
    Certainly that is true this day. Truth has vanished from the lips of the rulers of the people. They do whatever they desire and are not walking in the way of the Lord. The people sheepishly follow. We need to return to the ways of the Lord as a nation. We need to speak truth and not fear. I need to live daily in His presence and walk in His Sonshine. He is my Comfort and each day anew I need to share His Good News. I need to live my life in His presence in word and deed – indeed. Lead me and guide me Lord.

    Come Thou fount of every blessing
    Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
    Streams of mercy never ceasing
    Call for songs of loudest praise
    Teach me some melodious sonnet
    Sung by flaming tongues above
    Praise the mount, I’m fixed upon it
    Mount of Thy redeeming love
    Here I raise my Ebenezer
    Here by Thy great help I’ve come
    And I hope by Thy good pleasure
    Safely to arrive at home
    Jesus sought me when a stranger
    Wandering from the fold of God
    He to rescue me from danger
    Interposed His precious blood

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