Death cannot keep its hold on us!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“It was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.” (Acts 2:24)
Why was it impossible for death to keep its hold on Jesus?
One obvious reason, says Peter, is God: God was with him, God protected him.
He quotes Psalm 16:8-11 where David is confident over death because God is with him.
Yet David died, so somehow it was different for Jesus.
Peter is saying that Jesus is God’s promised messiah whose life was part of God’s plan.
Jesus is the promised seed of Eve who would crush the serpents head (Genesis 3:15).
The serpent is the deceiver that led Adam and Eve to sin and die (Genesis 2:17).
Sin was the path of death, and death was the wage for sin (Romans 6:23).
But Jesus did not sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), and so death had nothing to hold on to.
Jesus does what we cannot: he walked the path of life, and therefore death won’t stick.
As a result, Adam is restored, the serpent is defeated and the curse is lifted.
If we hold on to Jesus, his righteousness holds us, and death cannot.
Because of Jesus, it is impossible for death to keep its hold on us.
Though we die, with Jesus we will live (John 11:25) and find joy in his presence forever.
Lord, because of you my sin does not hold me back. Because of you, death cannot keep its hold on me either. I choose to hold on to you!


  1. Death is not the end of the story – but Jesus’ death is the end of the story for evil! Jesus is the victor! “But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.” I have hope in a living Saviour who conquered death – I have a living hope – oh yes I have to suffer death – but it is not the end of the story! Lord, I believe, help me to overcome any doubt that undermines my trust in you, my Lord and Saviour!

  2. Because He loves, I too am alive. Christ Jesus has shown the way and made the journey of daily living known to me by His Word and He continues to fill me with joy for the joy of the Lord God is my strength. He has made me strong to live for Him and so today and every day I can go forward living for Jesus.

    Verse 1: The joy of the Lord is my strength, The joy of the Lord is my strength, The joy of the Lord is my strength, The joy of the Lord is my strength.
    Verse 2: He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more, He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more, He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more, The joy of the Lord is my strength.
    Verse 3: He gives me living water and I thirst no more, gives living water and I thirst no more, He gives me living water and I thirst no more, The joy of the Lord is my strength. no He gives me me living water and I thirst no more, The joy of the Lord is my strength.

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