One more book about Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The whole world wouldn’t have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25)
How little we know all that Jesus did and accomplished.
According to John, not enough room for all the books to be written?
Like facets on a beautiful diamond, each reflecting the light of God’s love.
This is why Charles Wesley wished for a thousand tongues to praise Jesus.
Or as F.M. Lehman put it in his hymn, “The Love of God is Greater Still”:
“Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky.”
This is why I focus so much reading time on the stories about Jesus.
I want to know Jesus better, so I can show Jesus better!
As his story connects to my story, my life becomes another book about Jesus.
As a Jesus follower, my heart’s desire is to help others know Jesus better.
Though I am a poor reflection of Jesus, he is speaking through me… and you!
Lord, the library of your life will keep me busy for the rest of my life and beyond. May my life be included as one more book in the good news stories about you!


  1. As a follower of Jesus – I am like John a ‘book’. I can testify to the things that have happened to me – how I met and meet Jesus in my life and how he has shaped me – how he has taught me in the school of life. John is right – there are many, many books! Lord help me to bear witness to the hope that you have given me – the kindling and building up of faith commitment in living for you – and even in the failures how you have forgiven me and restored me! I pray that the words may freely flow from my book!

  2. Considering how many times Jesus said “don’t tell anyone about this”, I wonder how many times the disciples were told “don’t write this one down”. Jesus didn’t seem to want to gain believers through miracles but through his Word. I wouldn’t mind reading more books on his works though!

  3. The things that were written down about Jesus was to show that He was and is our Saviour. I can never know enough of what He did while He lived on earth but He came so that I can live. And so the story continues through you and me. We are living epistles telling the story of Jesus everyday by our words and deeds.

    Tell me the stories of Jesus
    I love to hear;
    Things I would ask him to tell me
    If He were here:
    Scenes by the wayside,
    Tales of the sea,
    Stories of Jesus,
    Tell them to me.

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