I’m talking to YOU!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“Do you love me more than these?” (John 21:16)
As a Jesus follower, I am devoted to loving and serving Jesus.
I do believe that Peter genuinely loved Jesus, despite his earlier denials.
The problem is that Peter loved Jesus AND…
Peter also loved being first (as was often seen in his actions around Jesus).
He compared his love to others, and saw himself as better, or more.
“Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.” (Matthew 26:33)
Even in this moment Peter asks about the other disciple (John 21:20-21).
In effect, Jesus says, ‘stop comparing yourself to others, I’m talking to YOU!’
Do I compare my faith life with others, as weaker or stronger?
Do I talk about how others should be loving or serving God.
Jesus is telling me not to focus on others, to work on my own heart.
How other people are loving Jesus is none of my business.
“What is that to you? You must follow me.” (John 21:22)
This will keep me busy for the rest of my life!
Lord, I cannot measure myself against others – either as stronger or weaker. I am what I am, but I do not need to stay that way. Help me to focus on growing in my love for You!


  1. Too often I would consider what choices others make before I make mine – thinking if she or he decides that way – it must be good – so maybe that’s what I should do. Yet Jesus demands that I connect with him and consult with him and follow his leading. What someone else does or chooses is good for them but not necessarily for me. I must follow where he leads me. Others can influence but ultimately I must make a choice that is in keeping where I sense that Jesus is leading me – by his HS. I should not compare – it is not a competition but it is being a part of a team of followers – each contributing their God-given gifts for the kingdom! Lord Jesus help me to walk confidently where you lead me to go – that I make walk with you and serve you as I am designed to do!

  2. He knows my name.
    Follow Jesus at all costs. That is the central idea. All for Jesus. Serve Him. Love Him.
    He is my only comfort. I am His and He is mine and His banner over me is love. The gospel in one word is love. I need to love Him with all of my being as I continue to follow Him.

    I have a Maker
    He formed my heart
    Before even time began
    My life was in His hands
    He knows my name
    He knows my every thought
    He sees each tear that falls
    And hears me when I call
    Lets all sing, I have a Father
    I have a Father
    He calls me His own
    He’ll never leave me
    No matter where I go

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