Eager to be with Jesus!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“As soon as he heard him say, ‘It is the Lord,’ he jumped into the water.” (John 21:7)
As a Jesus follower, my heart longs to be where Jesus is.
Jesus is not with us physically, but he is still with us actually.
The Spirit of Jesus conveys the personal presence of Jesus to us.
Not only is Jesus with us always, he also shows up in special ways.
For me, Jesus has shown up in special ways when I’ve walked in nature.
I have also experienced Jesus in a special way through my journaling.
(I don’t sense Jesus as often in church, mainly because I have a job to do).
But Jesus does show up when Jesus followers meet together.
So when Jesus ‘shows up’, do I show up, am I eager to be with him?
Once Peter realizes it is Jesus, he dives in.
After denying Jesus, he felt distant, disconnected, and defeated.
Now Jesus shows up, and nothing will stop him from reconnecting.
Do you look for the Jesus moments, do you ‘dive in’ to have them?
Where is Jesus showing up, but you are not… are you eager to see him?
Lord, I want to be with you, I want to sense you with me always. Help me to be as eager as Peter, to dive in to those opportunities and places where I know you will show up.


  1. “They knew it was the Lord.” There was no longer any doubt – Jesus did this before with the same result – they new it was tell-tale – it had all the marks of Jesus! Do I know it is the Lord – when events, situations, reading, inspirations, God-moments – happen to me – that it’s not coincidence – but the marks of Jesus – that I may know it was the Lord! Lord forgive if I can be so thick headed – and not see what you are communicating to me! I want to see Jesus – help me to know it is you by your HS! Draw me nearer – ever so closer – help me not to wander from you my Lord!

  2. This is the second time that the disciples were told where to catch the fish. This time Peter recognized that it was the Lord and ran to Him. This was in contrast what happened at the trial. In the face of hardship, disappointment of fruitless labour Peter ran to the Lord. I need to do the same with my trials, disappointments. God is with His people. He is here. I need to recognize His presence and trust Him always. Emmanuel. May I never forget that – that I always living in His presence. Open my eyes Lord.

    Come into God’s presence singing

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