Refusing to share God’s forgiveness?


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” (John 20:23)

Jesus is alive, and yet he will not continue his work in the same way.
From now on Jesus will continue his work through his followers (Acts 1:1-8).
They (we) are equipped by the Spirit to continue God’s kingdom mission.
At the heart of this mission is representing and spreading God’s forgiveness.
The root meaning for the word “forgive” is to release (literally ‘send away’).
Sinners are released from the guilt and grip of sin because that sin is sent away.
“As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:12)
As Jesus followers, we are Spirit-equipped ambassadors of God’s forgiveness.
We do not accomplish this forgiveness, but we do announce it… or not.
Jesus reminds his disciples of this huge responsibility; this message depends on us.
If we do not share this message, people will not know or experience God’s grace.
Our silence or refusal to be gracious has a HUGE impact on others, and it is not good.
On the flip side, when we do express God’s forgiveness, people experience freedom.
I do not want to withhold God’s mercy; I know I need it, and so does everyone else!
Lord, may the people I meet today sense that you love them, forgive them and want to release them from the burden and bondage of their sin.


  1. “If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” I remember reading of Corrie denBoom’s confession of how difficult it was for her to forgive the Jailor who was part of the prison guard at the concentration camp where her sister died. Yet, she testified that she had to forgive so that he would be forgiven. I can’t get over what power we have over others – especially those who do not believe – we really are ‘priests’ that as Jesus’ representatives can forgive others so that they have a hope of salvation. I try to live that way – ready to forgive even when others hurt me – just thinking of how difficult that was for Corrie – yet she by God’s grace was able to do that and shake the hand of her former tormentor! Lord help me to forgive others – to share your abundant grace as I myself have also experienced it!

  2. The disciples were together in fear of the Jewish leaders. Then Jesus appeared, suddenly. Instead of awe of His appearance, shock, they were overjoyed. He is alive. He is here. He is among us once again. And Jesus empowered them with the gift of the Spirit, and this was before Pentecost. Jesus lives through us. He is here also with us enabling us, you and me to be His witnesses, bearing His Light, showing how we can live for Jesus also this day. May His LightShine through me this day.

    He is able, more than able
    To accomplish what concerns me today
    He is able, more than able
    To handle anything that comes my way
    He is able, more than able
    To do much more than I could ever dream
    He is able, more than able
    To make me what He wants me to be
    He is able, more than able
    To do much more than I could ever dream
    He is able, more than able
    To make me what He wants me to be

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